K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
October 1925
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and fruitful life. No one who does not understand the respectful attitude of the Chinese to old age can understand what a tremendous blessing her life was to hundreds of Chinese who saw her beautiful face or heard of her daring faith and loyalty in thé service of Jesus Christ. She could not speak their language and they could not understand her language, but her life and actions spoke a language that they could understand and it captured their hearts for Christ. Scores of men and women will be in the glory because she dared to do the unusual thing through her love for Jesus Christ. That characteristic was strong up to the moment when Christ’s gentle touch closed her eyes in sleep. She was on her way back to China when He called her in to look upon the King in His glory. I know of nothing more beautiful than the heroism that made her willing to go back to that far-away land when her heart naturally yearned that she might be called home' and that the tired, worn body might be laid to rest with the dear ones who had gone before. “The story of this heroism and sublime loyalty cannot help but be a blessing and inspiration to us all. “What is the issue of a life like this? To her, death was not an end, but a beginning. It was not a going out into the dark but the breaking of the morning light, It was not the ending of life but the beginning of a larger life and service. Jesus spoke of death as our exodus— the going out of a straitened life into the realization of a fuller life and service. Peter caught the beauty of this idea and spoke of his own death in the same way. Paul used another figure but had the same idea— death, the crisis through which we pass out into a larger and fuller life, a life, in which we realize the deepest and truest aspirations of the soul. : ;.,‘‘This also was the vision which broke upon Lord Tenny son when he wrote his immortal hymn, ‘Crossing the Bar’ — the hymn from which Dr. Keller took the phrase with which he announced the home going of his dear mother. “Sunset and Evening Star, And one clear call for me! And may there be ho moaning of the bar When I put out to sea. But such a tide as moving seems asleep, Too full for sound and foam, When that which drew from out the boundless deep Turns again home. Twilight and Evening Bell And after that the dark; And may there be no sadness of farewell When I embark. For though from out our bourne of Time and Place, The flood may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crossed the bar. “So gently our dear friend has crossed the bar and now she sees ber Beloved face to face and has entered upon a fuller life and a larger service. “In this radiant Christian hope we say farewell, and wait for the breaking of the morning and the lifting of the shadows which hide her from our view a brief moment.” This little memorial statement of Mother’s faith, sacri fice and fruitful service is written in the prayer and hope that God may use it to lead us all into a fuller' experience of the Holy Spirit’s words through Paul in 1 Cor. 15:58: “Wherefore my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmov able, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” Most truly yours in Christ Jesus, Frank A. Keller.
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