King's Business - 1925-10

October 1925


TH B K l N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

p y F R E E ! ^ F R E E ! ^ F R E E ! Send us only Four Annual Subscriptions for The King’s Business (At $1.25 Each for the U. S. or $1.50 for Foreign) and We’ll Enroll You FREE of Charge in the NEWSUPPLEMENTAL BIBLE COURSE PU T OUT BY OUR CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Both Young and Old will be Fascinated, Edified and Delighted with These Unique Studies Workers with Young People Find it a Marvelous Collection of Supplemental Material Adapted for Drill Work ADDRESS THE KING'S BUSINESS, 5 3 6 SO. HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. B E S T BOOKS FREEH Here is your chance to get those books you’ve been wanting absolutely free. We offer You the following books as Premiums for New Subscriptions to the PCing’s Business and S. S. Lesson Quarterly (S ubscriptions $1.25 in U. S. FOR 1 N EW SUBSCRIPTION an y one of th e follow ing:—

$1.50 fo r C anada an d Foreign 7 /-) W hy I Believe in th e V irgin B irth—Wm . E vans,.......clo th 1.00 Jesu s is Coming— W . E. B..................................... C loth $.75 W hy I R eject th e H elping H and of M illennial D awn— W . C. S tevens_______ ..._... .40 $1.15 FOR 4 N EW SUBSCRIPTIONS a n y one of th e follow ing:— Fine Gold—-Josephine H ope W esterv elt.....................cloth $1.25 The C onflict— E lizabeth K nauss........................................clo th 1.25 In The Tw inkling of an Eye— Sydney W atso n ............clo th 1.25 The M ark of th e B east— Sydney W atso n ..................... clo th 1.25 S carlet an d P u rp le— Sydney W atson...____________ clo th 1.25 The P atm o s V ision— Geo. W . D avis............... ............... clo th 1.75 Jam ison’s C om prehensive Bible C h art......................... clo th 1.25 FOR 5 N EW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one of th e follow ing:— In C h rist Jesu s; The Sphere of th e Believer’s Life— A. T. Pierson................ ex tra clo th $1.50 The P assin g of

D eath D efeated an d Defied— R. A. T o rrey .................. ........... $ .25 C hristian Science and th e W ord— F ran k H uling.......................25 T ru th fo r You— J. H. S a m m is.............................._.............................25 D iary of a D octor’s Son— K eith L. B rooks...................— . 25 The G row ing C hurch—*-Cleland Boyd Mc.Afee..... .,............. .25 H igher C riticism— Dr. R. A. T o rrey.................... ................ ............25 Is S alvation Safe— K eith L. B rooks...............................25 K ey W ords to th e K ing’s T reasu ry com bined w ith W atch W ords fo r th e K ing’s S ervants— C. E. Paxon....,__ .25 The Shepherd P salm — D r. R. A. T orrey.........................................25 The L ord from H eaven— S ir R obert A nderson............................25 Jesus, P ro p h et, P rie st and K ing— D r. R. A. Torrey...ii----- .35 M ysteries of th e K ingdom— W . C. Stevens............................ .35 T rium phs of th e C ross— W . C. Stevens. .............................35 The P ro p h et Jo n ah— Dr. A. C. Dixon___ ............_____ ....... .25 R ansacking th e S crip tu res— K eith L. B rooks........................... 25 W h at S aith the S crip tu res— K eith L. B rooks ............... . .25 W hy I R eject th e H elping H and of M illennial D awn— W . C. S tevens___ __________........... .40 S atan—-Lewis Sperry .C hafer.............................................. .......... .25 Sim ple L essons in Bible M arking— K eith L. B rooks........ .25 S trongholds of T ru th—W . H. Griffith Thom as...........................25 The Tim e of th e End— W . E. C aperton______________ ________25 These P rem illennialists, W ho A re They— T. C. H o rto n.......... 25 The Two Genealogies— J. C. Stillion._............. ........................ .25 FOR 2 N EW SUBSCRIPTIONS an y one of th e follow ing:— The R etu rn of th e L ord Jesu s— R. A. T o rrey...........p ap er .50 S crip tu ral In sp iratio n vs. Scientific Im agination — Riley —.......................................—................................p ap er .50 T he L aym en’s H andbook of D aniel— G. A. B riegleb._ .50 Jesu s, P ro p h et, P rie st an d K ing— D r. R. A. T orrey..C loth .50 M atthew s Gospel Self In terp reted— K eith L. B rooks...............50 The Son of God— K eith L. B rooks______ _______ ........ r............50 The Son of M an— K eith L. B rooks................................... ....... .50 Suggestive Lessons on th e T abernacle— M rs. A. L. D ennis........................................50 W hy I Am A C hristian— D r. A. C. Dixon.............................. .50 Jesu s is Coming— W . E. B.................................................. .paper .50 FOR 3 N EW SUBSCRIPTIONS an y one of th e follow ing:— Serm on Illu stratio n s from th e Bible— K. L. B rooks............$1.00 P erplexing P assag es in th e F our Gospels.—K. L. B rooks 1.00 The V irgin B irth— Wm . Evans.....----------....’................ C loth 1.00 The D ivine U nity of The S crip tu res—A S ap h ir............... . 1.00 The L aym an’s H andbook of D aniel— G. A. Briegleb clo th 1.00 Old T estam en t Types— W . B. R i l e y _____ ____$ .40 P ro p h et P rie st an d K ing— Dr. R. A. T o rrey..................65 $1.05


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Los Angeles, California

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