King's Business - 1925-10

October 1925



K I N G ’ S


lowering of the standard of the cross of Christ. We may be called upon to yield our possessions to others and not contend for them, although few are willing to do that. We fight for our property. We defend the lives of our loved ones and friends. But,.alas ! alas ! many will not put Christ above earthly possessions and position. In such a time as this, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles rejoices in saying to the world: “ We are founded, fixed, on a statement of doctrine, which is in the corner stone of our structure. No man or woman can speak from our platform who cannot conscien­

A FIXED FOUNDATION The Bible Institute of Los Angeles set its seal to a fixed faith in the fundamental doctrines of the Bible when it erected its splendid buildings in the center of a great and growing city. The significant signs which were even then apparent of the rising tide of unbelief in the so-called Christian nations demanded a definite statement of doctrine which would ring true to the Christ of the Bible in the coming :church crises, and such a statement was

prepared and in­ corporated in the deed to the prop­ erty. T h e vision of the approaching anti-Christian con­ flict was real and is npw being real­ ized. There have been false Christs in the p a s t and there are f a l s e Christs now; but there are also false u s a g e s of t h e name of Christ, for many so-called Christians are no longer believers in the Virgin Birth of our Lord and are, t h e r e f o r e , knowingly or un­ knowingly, Anti- Christians a n d agents of the Anti- Christ. The' war against the Christ of the B i b l e is being waged with inten­ sified hatred. The leaders in the at­ tack u p o n Him are s m o o t h of tongue, sentimen­ tal in teaching, seductive in terms, specious in tactics and spurious in tendency.

tiously confess a f u l l agreement with that- state­ ment. ’’ Those who pray for us and contri­ bute to our work can do so with full f a i t h that t h a t statement cannot be changed. Those who seek instruction in the Word of God can c o m e unhesitat­ ingly, sure that no subtle, seducing heresy will ever be permitted here. T h e standard is sure and the satis­ faction is great, that the e n e m y can never find a resting place be­ neath our r o o f , and t h o s e who have entrusted us with funds to be used in the service of our crucified, risen, c o m i n g Lord, need have no fear that their money will ever be used as have the funds of many saints whose in­ vestments are now in the hands of the misleading Mod­ ernists.

The Pawn

— C ourtesy Los A ngeles Tim es

Could you put your finger upon the pulse of the peo­ ple of our country, you would feel the surging of a heated frame of mind. The question of oUr youth is “ Where are we? Whom and what shall we believe?” Beai statesmen are viewing with surprise the serious­ ness of thè situation. The true followers of Christ, with Bibles in hand, are now forced to take sides with their Lord and, led by the Spirit of God, wage a cease­ less warfare against the fictitious friends ( ?) of the church of God. There can be no white flag flying over the armies of the Lord. He “ came not to send peace but a sword.” “ There is no peace to the wicked.” There can be no

THE POWER THAT PUSHES THE PAWN The daily papers are not always behind the times in sensing world conditions and the insignificance of the efforts of mere man when subject to the inevitable laws of God, as is evidenced by the cartoon which we are reproducing by permission of the Los Angeles Times. Men may utter great swelling words ' Concerning “ science” and its achievements, but there is a “ Thus far shalt thbu go and no farther” against which they are powerless. They cannot control the wind or waves, nor the inner movements of the earth, and in the pres­ ence of these mysterious forces they are as helpless as

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