K I N G ’ S
October 1925
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THE PRESENT PERIL We who are Christians have the Prophetic Book: in our hands. We are familiar with its notes of warning concerning the last days and the predicted drift from the moorings in Church and State. We can feel the pulse of the people and when we do we find that there is but little red blood left to be stirred .concerning the downward tendency in morals in both young and old. Our hearts are heavy as we contemplate the indiffer ence apparent in the majority of the Lord’s people concerning the rising tide of unbelief and_its inevitable result to the cause of Christ. The spectacular death o f ’Mr. Bryan, the beloved leader in our land in defence of the Bible and his country, both of which he loved, has awakened iis, however, to a new consciousness of the peril confront ing us, and of the disastrous consequences of failure: to recognize the personal responsibility and obligation which rests upon every Christian to rally to the help of the Lord against the mighty, as He calls His forces together to meet the emissaries of Satan in their effort to lower the moral standard and minimize the charac ter of dhe church to that of a mere social organization. Hundreds of thousands of God’s children have been asleep, hoping for the best, but not doing their heist. The call of God has been sounding out but ears have been deaf. But the hope of saving souls and building np the true church depends upon a hearty response to the call for help which has gone out not only from The King’s Business but from, many other periodicals which are seeking to do their part in stemming the tide, every one of which should have the prayers and whole-hearted support of their constituents. The effort which we are putting forth in this direc tion is costing us money, for The King’s Businesses published at an actual financial loss, though it has a large circulation and is helping thousands of people in this and many other lands. The King’s Business is designed to meet the needs of Christian people for ammunition and armor in this great battle in defense of the faith. From the first to the. last page it i s ' full of matter calculated to strengthen the faith of young and old and prepare them for effective service. . Run through this number and carefully note every d e p a r t m e n t , —the Editorials; the Articles; the intensely interesting Serial Story; the Current Com ment; the inspiring soul-winning stories from real experience as told in the Evangelistic Department; the helps for Preachers and Teachers in the form of Bible Outlines; the daily devotional suggestions for the Family Circle ; Practical Methods of Personal Work for Defenders of the Faith; the splendid comments on the Christian Endeavor Topics; the unique Children’s Garden for the little folks; the Outline Studies in the Epistles of John, and many other helpful things. Then resolve to do your best to put this helpful material into the hands of some other Christian who needs it but does not know about it, even at some sac rifice of money and time. Remember, it is YOUR OWN FAMILY PAPER, and send us any helpful suggestion for its betterment. We will do our best. Will you do yours? Read the inside back cover, turn to coupon on page 460, pray over it, fill out as the Lord directs and send it in.
the pawn on the chess board is to hinder the finger of the player. Some of us have seen the path of the tornado which has swepit every living thing before it; have seen where the bolt of lightning has left its deadly mark; have felt high and lofty structures tremble like a leaf in the hands of a child; and there are yet many other things which we may live to see more startling than any of these. Man, by nature, is a pompous “ pawn,” inclined to strut before his fellows, seeking to make the most of his personality, boasting, bragging and sometimes braying like his friend in the field. But there is a Book which few of these “ pawns” know anything about: which they berate as a back number, while they inform us what God never did and never can do. This Boob describes such as “ traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof,” and then admonishes us “ from such turn away. ’’ For years we have watched as one after another these men have risen to some sort of prominence and then passed away, bursting like a toy balloon and lost in the air with’ which they were inflated, while others have taken their places and, through their sophistries and soft speeches, sought to mislead the multitude. There is an incident related in God’s Word which is well worth considering in this connection as illustrat ing God’s thought concerning such (Acts 12:21-24): “And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them. “And the people gave a shout saying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man. “And immediately the angel of the Ijord smote him, because he gave not God the glory and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost. “But the word of God grew and multiplied.” Such will be the ultimate fate of every man who exalts himself, but “ the Word of God” will “ grow and multiply” in spite of all the destructive deniers in church and school. God’s laws are beneficent. Let us use them in every way possible for the benefit of mankind and give just praise to those who are able to harness them for our use. But, remember, they are God’s laws. He is the Author of all law and will do what He pleases, when He pleases and as He pleases. He has made it possible for man to use His. laws, but He has never surrendered one iota of His authority to man and He never will. So long as men work in harmony with God’s laws blessings will follow. When they violate them, suffering must follow. God’s Written Law-Sthe Bible—Is the basis of all righteous living. Every attempt to belittle it will result in sorrow for those, who attempt it. “ The blessing of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; “ The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; ‘‘The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; “ The judgments of the‘Lord are true, and righteous altogether. “ Moreover by them is thy servant warned, and in keeping of them there is great reward.”
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