SportAndSpineTherapyOfMarin_Staying Active and Balanced

Inadditionto findingyourmentalbalancewithhowyouspendyourtime, becomingmorephysicallybalanced is justas important.Therearecertain markersthattypically indicatetroublewithmaintainingbalance,suchas frequently tripping and falling, or feeling dizzy when standing too long. But even if you are not having fundamental issues with your physical balance, you may still have difficulty with whole-body balance. Yoga is a great form of exercise to use to improve your ability to balance, as yoga helps to strengthen core muscles and improve coordination. You Can Improve Your Physical Balance By: • Increasing muscle strength • Improving stamina • Improving core strength • Practicing balancing techniques Think about the percentage of time that you spend working during the week. For most people this number is well over 40 hours per week! Then consider how much time is spent driving to and from work and around townonerrands,and thenconsider the timespentdoing things you have to do at home, like the dishes or the laundry. Then really think about howmuch time you are spending doing the things that make you feelbetter— includingthosehobbiesthatyou love,butalsobeingactive and engaging with the people you care about. Partofbecomingamorebalancedpersonmeans findingwaystospend your time more wisely and taking more time for yourself as needed. HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR BALANCE

It’s Never Too Late You don’t need to grow up as an athlete to enjoy exercise as an adult. There is no point in your life where it is too late to start being more active than you currently are. There are plenty of ways to incorporate light activity into your lifestyle, such as: • Taking a walk in the evening with your family • Wearing a pedometer and trying to take more steps every day • Joining your local community center and using the pool to swim laps several times a week • Engaging in light weight training at home before work • Taking a yoga class Theseare justseveralexamplesofhowyoucould incorporatemoreactivity intoyour lifestylewithoutmakingmany largechangestoyourwayof life. If you feel that your physical health or an old injury is holding you back from being active, contact us today (San Anselmo: 415-457-4454, Novato: 415-898-1311) or visit our website at Working with a physical therapist can help you achieve improved balance and a healthy lifestyle.

M A I N T A I N EXERC I SE ESSENT I ALS TRY THIS EXERCISE TO IMPROVE BALANCE Balance Tandem Stance Start by placing one foot in front of your other foot in a heel to toe position. Maintain your balance. Return to starting position and repeat. Attempt this exercise alternating the opposite foot in front. For an added challenge while in this stance, slowly turn your head to the left and hold for 3 seconds. Repeat by turning your head to the right, up, and down, all of which holding for 3 seconds. If feeling confidant in your balance, challenge yourself further by standing on a thick pillow or with your eyes closed.

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We will use a standardized tool to give you an accurate assessment of your balance and stability to give you a clear picture of what to work on. Call us today to begin restoring your balance!

Alwaysconsult yourphysical therapistorphysicianbeforestartingexercises you are unsure of doing.


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