Middle School Curriculum.July 2018.final

real world. By the end of the year, students will be able to do so much more than merely retell the plot of a story; they will also develop a sense of pride in their own voice. SOCIAL STUDIES The Seventh Grade history course includes a brief review of the Reconstruction Era and the closing of the frontier. The focus is upon United States developments in the twentieth century with emphasis on industrialization, immigration, growth of cities, World War I, isolationism, the Depression, World War II, the Cold War and current United States national and international issues. Global geography and economics are areas of special concentration. There is a strong emphasis on writing, critical thinking, Seventh Grade mathematics transitions students to higher level math concepts while applying those concepts to real-world contexts. The course is based on the Glencoe Math Accelerated (Pre- Algebra) curriculum, part of a continuum that extends into high school level mathematics courses. While learning standard seventh grade math concepts such as operations with rational numbers and integers, ratios, proportions, percents, powers, and 3-D geometry, students also delve into basic linear algebra, including algebraic language, slope, direct variation, and systems of equations. They explore relationships among equations, graphs, and real-world meaning, using both manual graphs and an online graphing calculator program. Textual and online materials integral to the Glencoe Math curriculum support understanding, along with frequent use of online video resources for practice and support. Transitioning from a workbook-based to a textbook-based program, students develop responsible, logical mathematical documentation skills. By completing 7th grade with a firm foundation of basic algebraic concepts, students can be well prepared to undertake high school level Algebra 1 Students of Life Science acquire knowledge of the many diverse life forms on planet Earth, learning microscopic to ecosystem entities. Students study the structure, parts, and processes of the cell. Students learn about DNA and genetics and its application to modern medicine. Students learn about the various systems of the human body and their interconnection. The students will learn about the theory of evolution, diversity of life, and diverse ecosystems. Life Science class will try to make students see the common concepts of Life Science and their connection. JEWISH STUDIES In Seventh Grade, the students take courses in Neviim (Prophets), Halacha, and Jewish history.   In Neviim, they focus on Shmuel Alef and Bet.  In these texts, the students advance in their textual skills to parse the text in the original Hebrew and they improve upon their general ability to analyze literature.  In Shmuel Alef and Bet, the students learn about the prophet Samuel and the evolution of the nation of Israel from a tribal nation into a monarchy led by King Saul and later by David.  The students analyze the strengths and challenges in the lives of the prophets and kings in these books in order to learn lessons in how to relate to others and how to deal with adversity.  The year ends with a and problem-solving. MATHEMATICS in 8th grade. SCIENCE



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