fresh soap at the #sOAPbAR
iNFUSED mILK sOAPS In soap making, the term “bastille,” commonly refers to cold process soap made with at least 70% olive oil. Olive oil is extremely gentle, making it the perfect oil for delicate or sensitive skin. This Bastille Soap Bar is comprised of olive oil and a small amount of coconut oil for cleansing properties. This recipe also uses luxurious and moisturizing milks (Coconut Milk, Oatmilk, Goats Milk, Buttermilk, Heavy Cream). All these skin-loving and gentle ingredients make this a wonderfully nourishing bar of soap
mULBERRY sILK The addition of silk will adds unique qualities to the soap to and helps to have a more shiny appearance, slightly increased lather, be more slippery, and have a general luxurious "silky" feeling to it.
oRGANIC yOGURT Yogurt contains lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid, that dissolves dead skin cells. This gentle exfoliation not only helps to create a natural glow and prevent breakouts, but works to diminish the appearance of lines and wrinkles aLOE vERA contains enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins A and C which can treat burns, acne, dry skin and many other skin issues. Using aloe vera on the skin can help moisturize and soothe the skin from various skin conditions, including eczema, itchiness, irritation, sunburn, etc. we add aloe into our soap blends for its skin loving properties.
All the Milks, Made with cOCONUTMILK, gOATSMILK, hEAVY cREAM, and bUTTERMILK, These MILKS Deeply nourish & softens the skin and contain natural skin soothing proteins which can relieve troubled skin, soothe and hydrate. We add them into our products for their calming and restorative properties. mILKs and yOGURTS contain lactic acid, which is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) ingredient that helps remove dead skin cells and stimulates new cell growth. Milk is considered one of the best sources of vital nutrients for the skin. It is rich in calcium, vitamin A, D, B6, B12, biotin and protein that can help produce healthier, glowing, beautiful skin and hair.
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