Orange County Insight March 2021

Interns Gain Real World Experience While Assisting County Departments

Orange County Economic Development and Communications Departments are excited to announce the addition of two University of Virginia seniors as interns for the spring 2021 semester. The students will work on projects ranging from video production and website refreshes to creating program development initiatives. “ We are thrilled to work with these outstanding students and help foster an understanding of how local governments function, ” said Stephanie Straub, Assistant to the County Administrator and Public Information Officer. The program runs from February to May and offers students a unique opportunity to experience real - world situations and contribute to the success of campaigns, events, and business development in our community. Students will be able to utilize strong analytical, critical thinking, and problem - solving capabilities while witnessing public service in action. For more information, please contact Stephanie Straub, Assistant to the County Administrator and Public Information Officer at, or Rose Deal, Director of Economic Development at

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