Orange County Insight July 2023

The “ Best Shot “ of the tournament goes to Alyson Simpson, Team Admin/HR. Her third putt hit the pin, bounced up in the air, and back spun through the hole for a triple 10. Amazing!!! The “ Not So Shot “ of the tournament goes to Rose Deal, Team EconDev/Tourism, as she crushed one from 60 feet away that hit the backboard in the air and left a golf ball dimpled dent. Very easy to score and no one got hurt. We saw some wild shots, even dodged and got hit by some, but we also got to see lots of folks having fun! Remember, we are at the halfway point of this competition and there are still lots of points available for the taking.

Your clue for the next competition …..

July is National Parks and Recreation Month and the competition will be open to all employees!

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