The Law Offices of Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. - September 2021

September 2021

720 Goodlette Rd. N, Suite 304, Naples, FL 34102 •

Smart, Hungry, and Humble

Thank You to Our Employees

Labor Day is Sept. 6, and I want to take a moment out to thank everyone who works at the Law Offices of Marc L. Shapiro, P.A . We truly wouldn’t be the firm we are without your hard work and dedication. I’ve been extremely fortunate to have found such a great team to work with on a daily basis. When hiring new staff, I strive to find people who are smart, hungry, and humble. When I say smart , I mean that I want to hire someone who has the ability to learn. I used to be a micromanager who had to have his hand in everything, but I eventually realized I was limiting both myself and my staff. I couldn’t take on as many cases and help as many people if I had to be involved in everything. So I switched my focus on how to be the best, and that meant having the best team. Now, some of the attorneys on my staff have more experience than I do. From my point of view, it’s a great thing because it allows them to be autonomous. I’m there to help them craft a game plan if needed, but they have the skill to run their own cases and to learn how to resolve whatever unusual issues come their way. Everyone at this firm is not only able to learn, but they’re also eager to learn — that’s what I like to call hungry . I believe some people are just born with a drive to work hard and help people, and those are the people I want working alongside me. These folks not only do a fantastic job, but they also motivate me to do my best to keep up with them! It’s important that I keep providing them with room to grow while still teaching them the skills they need for advancement. At one time, I might have asked what if I give coaching to my employees and they leave? Now I know the better question is this: What if I don’t give them coaching and they stay? In my view, labor goes both ways. My employees work for me and help me build my business, and in return, I have an obligation to help them build their careers. If staying with the firm isn’t right for them, I take pride in helping them better themselves so they can do something else. We even

have a Facebook page that allows people who used to work at my office to stay in touch with each other because we have such strong ties. In the end, I want the people I work with to make a difference in my business and in the world. Lastly, it’s important to me that all of our staff is humble . As I’ve shared before, I have a child with disabilities, and that means I know what it feels like to have life take turns you didn’t expect. Looking for answers both medically and

financially is difficult, and when we meet our clients, many of them are going through those same challenges. I want employees who will have compassion for others and their unique situations; it’s important that they see our clients as people first and actually care about what they do.

I really believe that our smart, hungry, and humble team is what makes us the best. Thank you to everyone at the firm for embodying these qualities every day. -Marc L. Shapiro

(239) 649-8050 • 1

From a Scatterbrained Summer to an Orderly School Year

DROWSY DRIVING The Same as Driving Drunk? Most people know it’s unsafe to drive while intoxicated and will take active measures to avoid it, like limiting their alcohol intake, calling a ride-share, or using a designated driver. Yet, the same people who would never consider driving drunk will often think nothing of driving while they are drowsy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) refers to operating a motor vehicle while sleepy or fatigued as “drowsy driving,” and it can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. In 2017 alone, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that there were 91,000 drowsy driving-related crashes, resulting in 50,000 injuries and 800 deaths. Because drivers will often not admit they were driving while drowsy, experts believe this is an underestimation and that drowsy driving causes closer to a staggering 6,000 deaths per year. There is no test for drowsy driving, but the CDC says that being awake for 18 hours has the same impact as a blood alcohol content of 0.05%, and being awake for 24 hours approximates a BAC of 0.10%. Even worse, many of us have terrible judgment when it comes to deciding if we’re alert enough to get behind the wheel. The pressures of getting to work, school, or an appointment on time can feel overwhelming and cause people to decide they can just push through the fatigue.

Summer break (especially for young kiddos) is a lawless time with little meaning that’s punctuated by a vacation or trips to the park and pool. Transitioning children back to the calm, orderly world of the school year can be challenging for both teachers and parents. How can you make sure your kids trade in their summer hats for their school brains? Well, luckily, you can use a few hacks to make that transition brighter, seamless, and even fun. CREATE A FUN CHECKLIST FOR SCHOOL TO-DO’S. pelling out all the tasks your kids have to do before and after school will help them ease back into the routines of going to bed each night and getting up early for school. Plus, it will introduce them to the satisfaction of checking items off a list after completing them. When your kids know what to do and when to do it, it makes your day a little easier! MAKE A COLOR-CODED CLOCK. Lots of kids are visual learners, which means an analog clock will be their best friend when it comes to keeping track of time. Color code different sections of the clock for different parts of the day to help them remember what they’re supposed to be doing, whether it’s blue for breakfast time, orange for homework hour, or purple for their bedtime routine. MAKE SCHOOL SUPPLY CUBBIES. If your child tends to throw their backpack and jackets all over the house, then school supply cubbies could be a game-changer. You could even just label different hooks in your mudroomor hallway if that’s all you have to work with. Whatever the case, when your kids have an established place to put their school stuff, it’s that much easier for them to find as they head out the door in the morning. ORGANIZE YOUR SCHOOL LUNCH SUPPLIES. Making your kids’ lunches each morning can be exhausting, but if you put different lunch items (e.g., bags of chips, apples, juice pouches, etc.) in different, easy-to-reach containers, you can turn making school lunches into an assembly line process where your kids do most of the work themselves, teaching them responsibility and taking a load off of your shoulders every school morning. You can even consider making the lunches the night before to lighten up the morning routine! PLAN YOUR KIDS’ OUTFITS FOR THE NEXT DAY … OR THE NEXTWEEK. If they had their way, you know your kiddos would wear the same Spider Man or Elsa T-shirt every day of the week. So, if you want to make sure they look respectable and ready to learn every day, plan out their outfits for the entire school week. This is especially easy if they have a set of hanging cubbies in their closets. Allow them to help choose outfits on a Saturday or Sunday before the newweek; it will also help them learn how to dress themselves later in life.

Easy Peach Cobbler

Celebrate the end of summer —and peach season—with this simple and tasty peach cobbler!

Back-to-school season shouldn’t be hectic — and with a few of these hacks in mind, it won’t be!

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‘Very Professional and Attentive’ WHAT OUR CLIENTS ARE SAYING

“My father and I had a consultation call with attorney Randall Austin, and we were very pleased with how it went. Not only was he very professional and attentive to our dilemma, but he also answered our questions with detail and patience. Randall guided us through our situation and even provided medical references for our health issues. After various consultations with other law firms, we were finally satisfied with the help and information provided by the Law Offices of Marc L. Shapiro, P.A . We would definitely recommend this firm to anyone with inquiries about their legal issues.” –Alejandro N.

People generally consider the main risk of drowsy driving to be falling asleep at the wheel, but more subtle dangers also contribute to motor vehicle accidents. Drowsiness can affect a driver’s reaction time, decision-making, attention, and coordination. Drowsy drivers can find it hard to maintain a consistent speed, keep a safe distance between themselves and other drivers, or keep from drifting to other lanes. Some of the signs you can look out for include having trouble keeping your eyes on the road, experiencing heavy eyelids or a drooping head, restlessness or irritability, and poor recall of the last few miles you’ve driven. If you notice these signs, don’t just turn up the radio, roll down the window, or take a sip of coffee — pull over somewhere safe. It just might save a life. Individuals who have been injured in accidents caused by drowsy drivers may be eligible for compensation. Our attorneys have the experience needed to get you the settlement you deserve. Contact our office today so we can review your case.

How AreWe Doing? Your reviews offer us valuable feedback, but when you recommend our services to others, that’s the ultimate form of praise! Please share your experiences with the Law Offices of Marc L. Shapiro, P.A., on Google or on Your comments empower us, make us better, and allow us to help others.


Word Search

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1/2 cup unsalted butter

4 cups peaches (fresh is best!) 1 tbsp lemon juice Ground cinnamon or nutmeg to taste

1 cup flour

2 cups sugar, divided 1 tbsp baking powder

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Dash of salt 1 cup milk



1. Preheat oven to 375 F. In a 9-by-13-inch baking dish, add butter and place in oven. Remove when melted. 2. In a large bowl, combine flour, 1 cup of sugar, baking powder, and salt. Then pour in milk and stir until the mixture is smooth.


3. Pour the batter over the melted butter, but don’t stir!

4. In a pot, bring peaches, lemon juice, and remaining sugar to a boil. Stir constantly.


5. Pour peaches over batter, but once again, don’t stir!

6. Sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg, then bake at 375 F for 45 minutes.

(239) 649-8050 • 3


720 Goodlette Rd. N, Suite 304 Naples, FL 34102

Inside What Makes Our Team Great Page 1

Hacks to Get Your Kids Organized for the School Year

Danger on Our Roads: Drowsy Driving

Easy Peach Cobbler Page 2

What Our Clients Are Saying Page 3

Willie the Parrot: The Ultimate Danger Alarm Page 4

the Parrot: The Ultimate Danger Alarm

Willie the Quaker parrot was a pretty remarkable bird. Like many parrots, he had a knack for mimicking certain sounds and words, including barking dog noises, human kissing noises, and a fair share of swear

While she was away, however, Hannah got her hands on the Pop-Tart and began to scarf it down, lodging a piece in her windpipe. She started choking and was unable to signal to Meagan that something was wrong. Luckily, Willie came to the rescue. Willie began squawking and shrieking, saying the words “Mama! Baby!” over and over again. In a matter of moments, Meagan knew something was wrong. She rushed to the kitchen to find a very frantic Willie and a very blue Hannah. Meagan jumped into action. She grabbed Hannah and performed the Heimlich maneuver until the Pop-Tart piece dislodged itself and shot out of her mouth. Meagan may have been the one to stop Hannah from choking, but she insists that Willie was the real hero of the story. If he hadn’t used his unique mimicking skills to get Meagan’s attention, she doesn’t know what would have happened. It’s worth noting that before that incident, Willie had never used the phrase “Mama! Baby!” before. He knew something was wrong, and he knew how to get help.

words. However, what made Willie a hero one day was not just what he said, but also when he said it.

Meagan Howard, Willie’s owner, brought him over to her friend Samantha Kuusk’s house while she babysat Kuusk’s

little daughter, Hannah. Hannah and Willie were both in the kitchen while Meagan prepared a Pop-Tart for Hannah’s breakfast. After placing the Pop-Tart on the table, Meagan stepped away to use the bathroom.

Shortly after the incident, Willie received the local Red Cross chapter’s Animal Lifesaver Award for his heroic actions.

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