Kunst&Dünger BOOK 2021/22

miura chair & table

Design by Konstantin Grcic, produced by Plank winner 100% Design blue- print best product award 2005

Gewinnendes Design von Konstantin Grcic: stapelbarer Barhocker aus verstärktem Polypropylen. Passend dazu der Miura Table: dreibeiniges Tischgestell aus verzink- tem, pulverbeschichtetem Stahl. Stapelbar und volumensparend bei Transport und Lagerung. Beide Produkte für Innen- wie Außenbereich. Weitere Farben auf Anfrage. Winning design by designer konstantin grcic: stackable stool in reinforced polypropylene. In line with miura stool is the miura table made of varnished galvanised steel. Thanks to the locking system the table is folda- ble and saves space during transport and storage as well. Both items are for in- and outdoor. More colours on demand.


miura pure orange


light blue

yellow green

pure orange

signal red

wine red

white grey



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