2025 Official OKC Visitors Guide

Heritage Hills and Mesta Park are two of OKC’s earliest neighborhoods, located adjacent to one another. With historic mansions like the Henry and Anna Overholser Mansion , these wide, leafy streets are a great place to stroll and admire. The Harn Homestead is an Oklahoma treasure that reflects the territorial history of Oklahoma City. It was established by William and Alice Harn in 1897. Today, the Harn Homestead is a living museum, with historic buildings, self-guided walking tours, limited hands-on activities in the Farmhouse building and a small gift shop.

Henry and Anna Overholser Mansion

Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine

The Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine opened in 2023, and the 6,000-foot edifice contains a museum and gift shop highlighting the story of Blessed Stanley Rother’s life and mission. It features artifacts from every stage of his life and provides information about his martyrdom and beatification. The shrine church is designed in the Spanish-colonial style, mirroring Blessed Stanley’s church in Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala: Saint James the Apostle Catholic Church. Oklahoma National Guard Museum , formerly known as the 45th Infantry Division Museum, is a cherished institution of remembrance and education, celebrating the illustrious history of the Oklahoma National Guard, a living testament, honoring the sacrifices and achievements of the brave men and women in uniform.

Oklahoma State Capitol

The Anchor from the USS Oklahoma, attacked at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, was recovered from the wreckage and is now permanently on display at Campbell Park on a small patch of land at 13th Street and N. Broadway Avenue. The Oklahoma State Capitol is available for walk- up tours on weekdays at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. at no cost. Tours are run by the Oklahoma Arts Council which maintains the Capitol Art Collection, more than 100 permanent sculptures, murals and paintings located throughout the Capitol’s hallways, rotunda and grounds. As you finish exploring the Oklahoma State Capitol, consider continuing your journey along historic Route 66.

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