American Consequences - December 2019

Science Fiction With a Tinge of Horror Story

paying 50% of their incomes to support old white broads on Social Security in New England. The consequence of scores of trillions of new currency units being printed around the world in response to the crisis that began in 2007-2009 will be a catastrophic Greater Depression... made worse by negative interest rates. One consequence of that will be the election of a left-wing Democrat, if not in 2020, then definitely in 2024. China is on its way to dominating the world this century... But in the meantime, its financial system – starting with its banks – will implode. Mrs. Wong will be very, very unhappy to find that the 50% of her income she has been saving has disappeared. The U.S. is likely to provoke a major war, and not just a "sport war" like we had in Iraq or Afghanistan. This time it will probably be with China, possibly Russia or Iran... perhaps with all three. It won't do well, since it will find that its aircraft carriers, F-35s, and the like are equivalent to cavalry before WWI and battleships before WWII. The U.S. dollar will lose its pre-eminence and will be treated like a hot potato by foreigners. Trillions will flood back to the U.S. in exchange for whatever is available – land, companies, what-have-you. This will help take domestic inflation to unprecedented levels. But in times of radical change, the most important thing is to keep what you have.



M y task is to make some predictions (although "forecasts" sounds more legitimate) about the Big Picture. OK, I'm game. Let's write some plausible science fiction, with a tinge of horror story. First, it's good to remember that demographics have a life of their own. That's not good from the point of view of those of us of European descent. We're only 10% of the world's population, and that number is falling rapidly. Worse, it seems we're responsible for all the world's problems, and therefore aren't very popular. In Europe, I expect the 2020s will have a lot of mass migration – the largest in scale since the barbarian invasions of the fifth century. There will be millions, then tens of millions, of Africans coming across the Mediterranean. In the U.S., there will be hundreds of thousands coming from Central America. A Reconquista movement will develop to "make the Southwest Hispanic again." And young chicanos and cholos won't be interested in


December 2019

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