HYPE Strategic Articulation Map


PURPOSE What we will do


Inspire every

to believe she can use her









in the



Empower every

TECHNOLOGY SKILLS and prepare them to become FUTURE LEADERS in tech careers,


MISSION How we will do it


cultivating a pipeline of

for the tech industry.



VISION What we will see once we've done it




in the


VISION SNAPSHOTS // When we want to see it


HYPE alum demonstrating leadership

HYPE alumni involved in tech programs and activities

HYPE alumni meetup event

HYPE college club recruitment flyer

HYPE alumni hiring younger HYPE alumna

A big check showing the amount in scholarships given to HYPE alumna

Photo/social posts of the 5,000th HYPE program graduate (or 10,000th)

10-year HYPE reunion/ retreat/ workshops



 Recruitment fairs  Population map/graph depicting what cities and states that HYPE has scaled to  Population map of college clusters  Large tech companies represented on our board  Regional or statewide HYPE alumni college clubs/meet ups

 5 year reunion  Programming /plan for college clubs  Alumni network/ database  2 HYPE alumni students studying CS together at college  Researching college programs  College tours  Alumni networking and building relationships  Students winning HYPE night  Dashboard of retention rate constantly improving


DIFFERENTIATORS // What we must do dierently going forward

Stronger student relationships

More support for high school seniors and graduates

Be intentional about leveraging organization and team strengths

Enroll students in shared vision

Greater empowerment of our students

More communication and story telling

More in person events

Establish stronger school partnerships (including data)

HEADLINE INDICATORS // How we will know we’ve done it



 Colleges  Majors  Certifications  Alum career pathway  Alum engagement with HYPE

 Alum relationships*  New city, state, school district, county

 # of students served: 630 (as of 8/18/23), 790 (2022), 1,800 (overall)  # Schools/organizations represented: 16  # School districts represented: 11  # of free/reduced launch  % of Title I schools  % of girls of color  Retention rates: 75% for HYPE Project Spring 2023  increase in STEM interest

 Coding proficiency  Repeat learners

 International programming  Net promoter score audience  # of students served

 Grow HP enrollment annually by %  Grow LA enrollment annually by %  Grow SC partnerships annually by %  Grow "Event" Partnerships annually by %  Maintain Program retention rate of 70%  Build HYPE team to grow organizational capacity

* Summer interns created a platform to connect with Alum. The HYPE Community Discord server launched this August and is currently enrolling alumna to join.








 Connect with tech company’s anity groups  - This is an ongoing priority with current relationships including BlackRock, Statefarm, Coca-Cola, Verizon and Google.  Sponsor international program opportunities   Plan next WIT round-table event w/ Verizon  - The Spring WIT event partnered with Google and Verizon will be involved with the upcoming HYPE Night event.  Better storytelling for school partners so they can connect our need for data sharing agreements to our vision   Professional development 2-Day  – Current training is about 3 hours oered virtually or “on demand.  Provide more opportunities for partners to invest HYPE programs and Alum  - Current opportunities include providing job shadow experiences, hosting a WIT, providing internship placements, supporting Corporate Sponsor Day with HYPE Project and facilitating a workshop with the Leadership Academy.  Hosting field trips to oce space  - Google hosted the Spring WIT.  Create board ‘job’ description and share w/ network i.e United Wat VIP 

 Create programs and processes that will strengthen HYPE alum connections and promote future engagement  - The Discord platform is the chosen pathway to stay connected to alumna. It has launched.  Create Alumni update survey   Create guide / directory for starting alumna engagement group   Mentoring opportunities   Annual HYPE workshop   Start “Alumna spotlight” in newsletters. Encourage them to nominate each other”   Connect students with funding for personal projects or continuing projects   Assist students w/ personal projects   Host an Alumni event and create framework for an annual event   Establish Virtual Career fair (2025) with 75% Job oer rate

 Enhance HYPE homeroom  - Achieved but this is ongoing. Students have

 Build an operational and an impact power BI dashboard  - in progress, on slate to be completed this fall  Create a data strategy that will accurately reflect HYPE’s mission purpose and vision   Create quantitative questions for internship host surveys   Add net promoter score questions at the end of graduations in Mentimeter 

 Field trips  - There has been 1 so far this year with a second being coordinated.  International programming   Reconstruct the marketing communications plan for recruiting   Find a community center to oer programming after school or Saturdays  - This goal is an ongoing objective. Several centers are in talks with potential to launch their HYPE program sites Spring 2024.  Facilitate quarterly meet up for HYPE scholars to network   Create a model for HYPE replication in regional chapters   Schedule info sessions in other states to expand HYPE’s reach  - Current emphasis has been on growing HYPE’s impact in Georgia. However, we have a university partner in Alabama that is being leveraged for community building there. We also have reached 1 school in Ohio. Attending nearby state trade conferences in 2024 is another pathway planned to help expand HYPE’s network.  Coordinate biennial International Trip (Ethiopia, 2025)  Plan & execute girl centered tech conference (2024)  Increase social media engagement

access to all lessons, tutorials, videos and additional resources

through HYPE Homeroom platform. There is a HYPE Project calendar and other bonus tools built within the platform.  Subject matter experts   Partnership w/ companies for certification opportunities  - We are partnered with Google through the Grow with Google initiative. This enables HYPE sta and the HYPE village to access scholarships for Google Career Certificates.  Research out of box curriculum that we can leverage Pixel art AI or VR   Student driven interest   Create a schedule for when we oer certain classes  - We have schedules for student programming and the Facilitator Training. Google programs are paced independently.  2 additional HYPE Project curriculum oerings per year

 Increase partner training attendance by % annually



Our strategic priorities were generated and inspired by the Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results observed by mind mapping our key stakeholders.





 The curriculum/ learning to code  Creating engaging programs and curriculum  Fun, engaging summer program  Community with other girls who “look like me” and the ability to meet leaders who look like me  Ability to make friends with similar interest

 Internships for work experience  Having more than one curriculum. Wants to be in a HYPE program every semester w/o having to do the same one over + over  Building stronger community for students  Internships  Scholarships  Communication and connection to new opportunities

 I would like to learn more about dierent programs  I want HYPE to be able to have some sessions be in-person to meet the people I’ve made connections with  Preparation to work in a technology field  Work for a company that HYPE introduced me to  Gain a mentor  Obtaining the information, I need to be successful in other tech programs  Community impact  Generational change  Direct connection between alumni and careers  They would hope that HYPE can provide experiences for their employees to work directly with HYPE + its students to contribute towards community service numbers

 I know how to and can make a website centered around my hobbies that I can share with employees/followers etc.…  Major in STEM in college + become a professional in a tech field  I get a scholarship to go to school and study STEM. I am more comfortable and confident to study a tech degree because of my experience with HYPE  Higher Impact numbers. More girls involved and interested.  I would recommend this program to my friends to participate next year. I would like to continue through MS/HS  Improving “user experience” for students.  I.e projects worked on, classroom, prizes/celebrations


 HYPE has a strong purpose/mission/vision and knows the problem that they want to face with a clear plan to achieve it  Connection to students over a long period of time  Student voice being reflected in programming  Strong programming + impact opportunity to directly make a dierence  Having feet on the ground giving opportunities to POC girls in the community  Free programming  Giving opportunities for girls of color to address the issue of women in tech pro’s  Helping my daughter learn necessary skills  Providing girls with opportunities that will set them up for future success  Not only are they providing tech skills but leadership and job skills. Always provide representation through women in tech events.  HYPE provides my child with experiences I never had growing up  Educational + fun/engaging programs

 Subject matter expert collaborations w/larger entities  HYPE is a young organization that doesn’t have a lot of data on impact regarding increases in STEM interest and college majors  Volunteering w/ students  Investing in student futures  We have direct contact + impact with students  Tech partners to play a more active role  Better, engaging ways to get girls to want to sign up  in person, short term  more activities and curriculum  flexibility  HYPE only has virtual sessions, my child wants to join in person  Programming that continues year after year  After-school transportation (for in person meetings)


 Aliation w. prestige or notoriety  Certifications

 My kid enjoyed their experience (satisfaction results)  My child has developed interpersonal and life skills  Have my students graduate High school with a well-rounded experience as they begin college/career  Their child happy in a tech career or program  My child is equipped with the skills necessary to succeed and thrive on their own w/0 fear or need for parental intervention  More girls in CS + AP CS classes  More girls joining the tech extra curriculum programs  Ability to replicate HYPE programs on their own  Students start STEM or coding clubs at their school that can get teachers/ PTO/ etc.  Involved with the school  More students wanting to join tech careers/college after graduation


 A program like girl scouts that teaches skills used throughout their life with a life-long network  A safe space for my child to grow and gain experiences that I cannot personally provide  An opportunity to open up many doors for child in the future.

 Free  Field trips

 Out-of-the box curriculum  professional development  teacher support

 More girls of color inn AP computer science  Hope that HYPE can provides training to teachers they already have staed  Improved student performance in school and CCRPL scores  Certifications  higher graduation results  girls excited about tech and STEM certifications  students become more involved in their STEM related programs or activities


 Doesn’t require a lot out of me to oer  Provide an introduction to computer science with a flexible schedule  Provide/ support tech programming for girls of color

 more in person programs  PD to be able to support  Does curriculum align with CSTAE standards?


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