HYPE Strategic Articulation Map

DIFFERENTIATORS // What we must do dierently going forward

Stronger student relationships

More support for high school seniors and graduates

Be intentional about leveraging organization and team strengths

Enroll students in shared vision

Greater empowerment of our students

More communication and story telling

More in person events

Establish stronger school partnerships (including data)

HEADLINE INDICATORS // How we will know we’ve done it



 Colleges  Majors  Certifications  Alum career pathway  Alum engagement with HYPE

 Alum relationships*  New city, state, school district, county

 # of students served: 630 (as of 8/18/23), 790 (2022), 1,800 (overall)  # Schools/organizations represented: 16  # School districts represented: 11  # of free/reduced launch  % of Title I schools  % of girls of color  Retention rates: 75% for HYPE Project Spring 2023  increase in STEM interest

 Coding proficiency  Repeat learners

 International programming  Net promoter score audience  # of students served

 Grow HP enrollment annually by %  Grow LA enrollment annually by %  Grow SC partnerships annually by %  Grow "Event" Partnerships annually by %  Maintain Program retention rate of 70%  Build HYPE team to grow organizational capacity

* Summer interns created a platform to connect with Alum. The HYPE Community Discord server launched this August and is currently enrolling alumna to join.


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