HYPE Strategic Articulation Map







 Connect with tech company’s anity groups  - This is an ongoing priority with current relationships including BlackRock, Statefarm, Coca-Cola, Verizon and Google.  Sponsor international program opportunities   Plan next WIT round-table event w/ Verizon  - The Spring WIT event partnered with Google and Verizon will be involved with the upcoming HYPE Night event.  Better storytelling for school partners so they can connect our need for data sharing agreements to our vision   Professional development 2-Day  – Current training is about 3 hours oered virtually or “on demand.  Provide more opportunities for partners to invest HYPE programs and Alum  - Current opportunities include providing job shadow experiences, hosting a WIT, providing internship placements, supporting Corporate Sponsor Day with HYPE Project and facilitating a workshop with the Leadership Academy.  Hosting field trips to oce space  - Google hosted the Spring WIT.  Create board ‘job’ description and share w/ network i.e United Wat VIP 

 Create programs and processes that will strengthen HYPE alum connections and promote future engagement  - The Discord platform is the chosen pathway to stay connected to alumna. It has launched.  Create Alumni update survey   Create guide / directory for starting alumna engagement group   Mentoring opportunities   Annual HYPE workshop   Start “Alumna spotlight” in newsletters. Encourage them to nominate each other”   Connect students with funding for personal projects or continuing projects   Assist students w/ personal projects   Host an Alumni event and create framework for an annual event   Establish Virtual Career fair (2025) with 75% Job oer rate

 Enhance HYPE homeroom  - Achieved but this is ongoing. Students have

 Build an operational and an impact power BI dashboard  - in progress, on slate to be completed this fall  Create a data strategy that will accurately reflect HYPE’s mission purpose and vision   Create quantitative questions for internship host surveys   Add net promoter score questions at the end of graduations in Mentimeter 

 Field trips  - There has been 1 so far this year with a second being coordinated.  International programming   Reconstruct the marketing communications plan for recruiting   Find a community center to oer programming after school or Saturdays  - This goal is an ongoing objective. Several centers are in talks with potential to launch their HYPE program sites Spring 2024.  Facilitate quarterly meet up for HYPE scholars to network   Create a model for HYPE replication in regional chapters   Schedule info sessions in other states to expand HYPE’s reach  - Current emphasis has been on growing HYPE’s impact in Georgia. However, we have a university partner in Alabama that is being leveraged for community building there. We also have reached 1 school in Ohio. Attending nearby state trade conferences in 2024 is another pathway planned to help expand HYPE’s network.  Coordinate biennial International Trip (Ethiopia, 2025)  Plan & execute girl centered tech conference (2024)  Increase social media engagement

access to all lessons, tutorials, videos and additional resources

through HYPE Homeroom platform. There is a HYPE Project calendar and other bonus tools built within the platform.  Subject matter experts   Partnership w/ companies for certification opportunities  - We are partnered with Google through the Grow with Google initiative. This enables HYPE sta and the HYPE village to access scholarships for Google Career Certificates.  Research out of box curriculum that we can leverage Pixel art AI or VR   Student driven interest   Create a schedule for when we oer certain classes  - We have schedules for student programming and the Facilitator Training. Google programs are paced independently.  2 additional HYPE Project curriculum oerings per year

 Increase partner training attendance by % annually


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