HYPE Strategic Articulation Map


Our strategic priorities were generated and inspired by the Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results observed by mind mapping our key stakeholders.





 The curriculum/ learning to code  Creating engaging programs and curriculum  Fun, engaging summer program  Community with other girls who “look like me” and the ability to meet leaders who look like me  Ability to make friends with similar interest

 Internships for work experience  Having more than one curriculum. Wants to be in a HYPE program every semester w/o having to do the same one over + over  Building stronger community for students  Internships  Scholarships  Communication and connection to new opportunities

 I would like to learn more about dierent programs  I want HYPE to be able to have some sessions be in-person to meet the people I’ve made connections with  Preparation to work in a technology field  Work for a company that HYPE introduced me to  Gain a mentor  Obtaining the information, I need to be successful in other tech programs  Community impact  Generational change  Direct connection between alumni and careers  They would hope that HYPE can provide experiences for their employees to work directly with HYPE + its students to contribute towards community service numbers

 I know how to and can make a website centered around my hobbies that I can share with employees/followers etc.…  Major in STEM in college + become a professional in a tech field  I get a scholarship to go to school and study STEM. I am more comfortable and confident to study a tech degree because of my experience with HYPE  Higher Impact numbers. More girls involved and interested.  I would recommend this program to my friends to participate next year. I would like to continue through MS/HS  Improving “user experience” for students.  I.e projects worked on, classroom, prizes/celebrations


 HYPE has a strong purpose/mission/vision and knows the problem that they want to face with a clear plan to achieve it  Connection to students over a long period of time  Student voice being reflected in programming  Strong programming + impact opportunity to directly make a dierence  Having feet on the ground giving opportunities to POC girls in the community  Free programming  Giving opportunities for girls of color to address the issue of women in tech pro’s  Helping my daughter learn necessary skills  Providing girls with opportunities that will set them up for future success  Not only are they providing tech skills but leadership and job skills. Always provide representation through women in tech events.  HYPE provides my child with experiences I never had growing up  Educational + fun/engaging programs

 Subject matter expert collaborations w/larger entities  HYPE is a young organization that doesn’t have a lot of data on impact regarding increases in STEM interest and college majors  Volunteering w/ students  Investing in student futures  We have direct contact + impact with students  Tech partners to play a more active role  Better, engaging ways to get girls to want to sign up  in person, short term  more activities and curriculum  flexibility  HYPE only has virtual sessions, my child wants to join in person  Programming that continues year after year  After-school transportation (for in person meetings)


 Aliation w. prestige or notoriety  Certifications

 My kid enjoyed their experience (satisfaction results)  My child has developed interpersonal and life skills  Have my students graduate High school with a well-rounded experience as they begin college/career  Their child happy in a tech career or program  My child is equipped with the skills necessary to succeed and thrive on their own w/0 fear or need for parental intervention  More girls in CS + AP CS classes  More girls joining the tech extra curriculum programs  Ability to replicate HYPE programs on their own  Students start STEM or coding clubs at their school that can get teachers/ PTO/ etc.  Involved with the school  More students wanting to join tech careers/college after graduation


 A program like girl scouts that teaches skills used throughout their life with a life-long network  A safe space for my child to grow and gain experiences that I cannot personally provide  An opportunity to open up many doors for child in the future.

 Free  Field trips

 Out-of-the box curriculum  professional development  teacher support

 More girls of color inn AP computer science  Hope that HYPE can provides training to teachers they already have staed  Improved student performance in school and CCRPL scores  Certifications  higher graduation results  girls excited about tech and STEM certifications  students become more involved in their STEM related programs or activities


 Doesn’t require a lot out of me to oer  Provide an introduction to computer science with a flexible schedule  Provide/ support tech programming for girls of color

 more in person programs  PD to be able to support  Does curriculum align with CSTAE standards?


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