King's Business - 1958-07

Merv Roseli on Prophecy see page 2

For men only page 11

Charles Lee Feinberg . Pag e U Prayer and Communion page 20

W ilbur Smith page 36

God Pre-writes the Headlines

saying, “ This man Hitler is going to conquer the whole world like a modem Napoleon.” I said, “ Friends, Hitler will not dominate the world, for the Germans will follow Russia (in the “ last days” ) according to Ezekiel 38.” Some strongly objected and said, “ If you knew anything about politics you would know the power and conquest of Europe is in this man’s hands. He has his own plan for the conquest of all the world.” But Hitler was not to domi­ nate all Europe. God knew! Ten years ago I preached that the “ giants” of the Far East would no longer be dominated in the last days by us (or even the Soviets) because in Revelation 16 it says that in that day the “ kings of the east” will stand together! Conse­ quently, it was not surprising when India was given her freedom by the great British Empire. W e have all watched Red China absolutely di­ vorce herself from the friendship of America. W e have watched the great giants of the East rise from their slumber to begin uniting in the Orient to prepare for that final union of the East spoken of in Rev­ elation 16:11. Five years ago I pointed to the Middle East as the location for the world’s final titanic struggle ac­ cording to Revelation 18, but then all attention was focused on Korea. Now, they all listen when we say, “ God still watches the nations of the world and in the final analysis He will draw all nations towards the land of Palestine.” By the way, a few months ago the top Russian said that “ the next war will be fought on the continental USA.” I doubt this very, very much. If this is the last day, the last great Armageddon will be fought in the plain of Megiddo in the land of Palestine. The Soviet Bloc I believe that the Word of God indicates that there will be three final great confederations of na­ tions. There will be a group of na-

write a definite Bible reference in­ dicating that God pre-writes the headlines of our news of the day! Tw enty-five years ago I preached with confidence that “ some day” Israel would be back in her land (Matt. 24, Psa. 13, Luke 21), and as I preached, the people said, “How could this forgotten land of Pales­ tine be occupied by Israel in our day and time?” W e have lived long enough to watch this come to pass, and it is amazing in our eyes. Israel is an astonishment to all the world! Tw enty years ago I preached that the “ earth would melt with a fervent heat.” High school, college students and professors shook their heads and said, “How could the earth melt, would the dirt bum up?” But surely now, in the white sands of our deserts and around the world, the “ fervent heat” of atomic fission and hydrogen fusion have an sw ered tha t prophecy. God taught the fisherman Peter to write like a physicist! F ifteen years ago all the world was looking toward Germany and

R ecen tly , I was the guest-speaker in a mammoth, new civic audito­ rium located in the heart of a major West coast city. I was asked to address the audience on “How the trends of our times are fulfilling God’s amazing Bible predictions.” The vast audience was indicative of the interest in pertinent, prac­ tical, prophetic truth. Enroute to my appointment, I purchased the latest and largest newspaper in that state. Using only the front page, I was able to swift­ ly underscore for the crowd 17 sep­ arate items (including the head­ line itself) under which we could About the author. Dr. Merv Rosell, at 45, has been an evangelist for 26 years. An estimated 10 million have heard him in person and he is now regularly on radio and T V . Introducing Rosell to the vast Madison Square Garden audience in New York City, Billy Graham said, "God is using scores of men, but none as He Is Merv Rosell." 2

tions which scholars of the Bible (in the years gone by) called the “Northern C on fed e ra c y .” We might refer to it now as the Soviet bloc because Ezekiel 30 indicates Russia will be followed by other specific nations predominately in a Soviet union. Now that the So­ viet and her satellites are so clearly on the scene and in the news, this portion seems more than significant. The Bible speaks of Russia spe­ cifically in Ezekiel 38. Here Ezek­ iel tells us what nations will unite in this bloc. “ The word of the Lord came unto me saying, Son of man set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Me- shech [Moscow] and Tubal [To­ bolsk], [the capitals of Russia and Siberia] and prophesy against him, and say, Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I am against thee, 0 Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armor.” You say, but Mr. Rosell, this must be an antiquated portion of the Bible. There’ll be no horses or horsemen in the last great war. Let me remind you that Russia has purchased 70% of all horse flesh in the world, and has been recently to the North American continent to buy the finest horses they could buy for the calvary units that may be used in the last conflict. Does the Bible name other na­ tions? Yes. First, Persia. The Bi­ ble refers to portions of Iraq and Iran as Persia. Fifty-five percent of all the oil wealth of the world is here. Consequently, this is a strategic location. The oil wealth of that area of the world may even­ tually come under the control of the Soviet. If this possibility is true, we won’t have any problem with surplus oil. W e’ll need every drop we can get. This is a care­ fully made statement, but Persia will eventuate in the camp of the

Soviet bloc, if this is the end time. Here are two more nations that seem destined for the Soviet bloc— Libya and Ethiopia. It just so hap­ pens now, that the hottest spot for propaganda in all the world is A f­ rica, and the Soviet propagandists are pouring millions of pieces of Soviet literature into that area in all forms. Another nation in the Russian bloc will be Gomer— literally Ger­ many. I do not predict this with my intelligence, but I indicate it by Bible knowledge. A portion of Ger­ many, if not all of it, shall in “ the last days” follow the Soviet bloc. There may not be a unified Ger­ many in our day in the Western world. I wish it were possible. We are friendly with them and we are hoping the great German people will survive with success, but if this is the day of fulfilled prophecy (and I think we can bank on it) there will be a portion of ¿Germany that will follow in the wake of the Soviet Union. Then Ezekiel mentions, “ Togar-

mah of the north quarters.” This is an area covered by Turkey. Tur­ key was one of our finest allies in the Korean war, and produces amazing fighting men. A portion of Turkey may eventuate in the Soviet bloc, in order that this “un­ ion of nations” will have a pathway through which the armies of the North can find “ land entrance” into Palestine. Do I think that Russia is going into Palestine? I believe in the last analysis, if this is “ the end of the age” (and time is moving so fast, this could very well be), the Soviet- Satellite bloc must move in one di­ rection and it will possibly be across the edge of Turkey, joining the Arab bloc, and then down to the plain of Megiddo, in the land of Palestine. Are you surprised that border disputes continue? The Bible says in Ezekiel 38:8: “ In the latter years thou shall come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the moun­ tains of Israel, which have been

The King's Business/July 1958


always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations.” We know who they are, and where they are going. So much for group one. The Mediterranean Bloc The second bloc o f nations is the M ed ite r ra n e a n bloc. Daniel 2 speaks of the great image that God d e s c rib ed and interpreted unto Daniel. The Bible doesn’t guess at the interpretation, but literally tells us what nations are involved here — largely located around the Medi­ terranean zone — including world powers from the times of Babylon (head), Medo-Persia (shoulders), Greece (thighs), Rome (legs) and down to the present time of the union of a variety of nations de­ scribed prophetically by the “ ten toes of the image” (Dan. 2:41-44). I believe we are about ready to see “ the ten toes.” For before Christ comes to rule those “ ten toes” (10 united nations), they have to be in existence. (Not before He comes to get “His Bride,” but before He sets up His reign upon the earth.) He is the “ stone cut out of the moun­ tain w ith ou t hands that must smite” these 10 nations (Dan. 2:44, 45). Some “ iron,” some “ clay.” You will be amazed at the mixture of nations uniting for survival in “ the last days.” Perhaps a dictatorship (iron) will unite with a democracy (clay) for survival. Right now, we have what we call the NATO powers, loosely unit­ ed. I suppose this might possibly be the nucleus of nations around the Mediterranean, united to pos­ sibly guarantee “ the survival of Israel” in the last days. What will this group of nations do? The Bible indicates that they may move East through the Mediterranean Sea to remonstrate with the Soviet bloc. “ Art thou come to take a spoil?” (Ezek. 38:13). When this “ Medi­ terranean bloc” does move to the East in the Mediterranean Sea, they will arrive at Haifa Harbor at the doorway of the plain of Megid- do, and in the right spot for the battle of Armageddon. W e know where to look for the union, and where it will finally move. The Eastern Bloc “ The kings of the east” are spo­ ken of in Revelation 16:12. In the last days, the kings of the east will

unite in the Orient. I do not be­ lieve that China will be the per­ manent ally of the Soviet. Let India and China remind you that there will be “ in the last days” a tre­ m en d ou s ly overwhelming flock, called, “ the kings of the east.” Now let me read Revelation 16: 12: “ And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the river Euphra­ tes; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.” Now, when the river Euphrates is dried up for that great eastern army of the last days, and they march across it, where will they be? When the “ kings of the east” cross the river Euphrates, they will actually be in the plains of Megiddo in the land of Palestine, precisely where God said they would be! All the three conclaves of nations will be at the right place in God’s right time! The Soviet bloc, the troops around the Mediterranean, the kings of the east—all will be there for war. Who is going to win? Read chapter 19 of the Book of the Revelation, and it will show you who is going to win that war! This is a thrilling text. (Rev. 19:11-18.) “ And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.” [This is Christ Je­ sus!] John’s gospel says: “ In the beginning was the Word . . . All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men” (John 1 :1 ,3 ,4 ). Some day He is going to “wrap- up” the history of the world. Do you think He is going to let a little Russian, or anybody else “wrap it up?” Read Revelation 19:14-18. Read it all! What a drama! What a victory! Christ has not forgotten us. God has pre-written some amazing headlines to show us what the “world is coming to.” These »are not “ specifics” but trends! They have a meaning for my heart and they have a signifi­ cance for my life.

“Now, what are we waiting for?” “What does all this mean to me?” W e as Christians are not looking for the battle of Armageddon be­ cause before the battle is ever fought, we shall actually be “ caught up to meet the Lord in the air.” You say, “ Now wait a minute, I am a realistic man, a thinker. Do you mean to tell me a physical human being will be lifted up into outer space?” Yes, God will take a crowd of believers instantly into outer space “ to meet the Lord in the air.” Is that so amazing? Read the exact Bible account! “ But I would not have you igno­ rant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not precede them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words” (1 Thess. 4:13-18). There will be no millennium without the rulership of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. Before the millennium, Christ takes the ruler- ship. You can’t have a Kingdom without a King! You can’t have Peace without the Prince of Peace. Christ has to come before the mil­ lennium. Twenty-five years ago, I had to argue for this position. Now few people dare speak out loud and say, “ W e bring in the millennium in preparation for the return of the King.” The Atomic Age changed all these theories of men. “ What are we waiting for?” I’m waiting for the coming of the Lord! I am not waiting for the right opin­ ion! I am not waiting for the Con­ gress of the United States to solve the problems of the world! Look at the little people in this troubled world: Here is a poor wid­ ow, broken and worn! Here is a


THE KING’S BUSINESS A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President •

woman whose husband is ungodly! There, the poverty-stricken young­ sters! And over there, the poor peas­ ants across Europe! Look at the be­ wildered ones of the jungles and masses of the Orient! They all wait for one glorious day of redemption! Read it! Believe it! “ I would not have you to be ig­ norant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope” (1 Thess. 4:13). When loved ones die, don’t be bewildered, don’t say, what do we have to live for now. It may only be a few weeks and we will see them again. Look at this: “ For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again [and we do], even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the com- ing of the Lord shall not preceed them which are asleep.” Let me remind you, man cannot annihilate the entire human race as many claim. Read your Bible! W e will not obliterate all mankind within the “ next 40 years” as Brit­ ish Philosopher Bertrand Russell has said. It is impossible to an­ nihilate all humanity before Jesus cornés, for according to the Word of God, some will be “ alive.” Re­ mind again the editors, writers, thinkers, theorists, humanitarians, that the Bible declares that some will be “ alive!” But what comfort if you are not sure you’re ready to meet God? You say, “Mr. Rosell, how is a man to be ready?” You don’t become a Christian by your own efforts! It’s the redemp­ tion o f the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. There must be active faith in Jesus Christ, God’s Son! Some will be saved, and some will be lost. You ran’t fool God. The true test— the final analysis — the eventual inescapable moment when you must meet God is based on these demands, “ That if thou shall confess with thy mouth that Jesus is the Lord, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Rom. 10:9). We know which way the nations are moving — the trends and the trials but do we all know how to trust God for His plan and His personal salvation? END.

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

JULY, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Eight

Vol. 49, No. 7

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

A r t i c le s GOD PRE-WRITES THE HEADLINES — Merv Rosell ............................. 2 FOR MEN ONLY ............................................................................................. 11 CHARLES LEE FEINBERG ................... ................................................... 12 NEW FILM REVIEW FEATURE — Rudy Nelson .................................... 16 WHY I WAS EXCOMMUNICATED FROM THE SDA CHURCH — R. A. Greive ................................................................................. 18 POEMS — Encouragement— Bertha H. Pentney .................................. 19 Abiding in Him — Helen Frazee-Bower ............................... 19 One Thing Remains — Helen Frazee-Bower ........................ 19 PRAYER AND COMMUNION— James H. McConkey ........................ 20 WILBUR SMITH — Norman B. Rohrer ..................................................... 36 F e a t u r e s UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ........................ 6 READER REACTION ...................................................................................... 8 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news .......................... 9 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ............................................................... 10 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................................ 24 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton ............................. 26 WORDS FROM THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg ............................... 27 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .................................. 28 JR. KING'S BUSINESS ROUND-UP — The Narrow Ledge Adventure — Hazel Ward Hoffman .. 29 — Bible Puzzle ................................................................................. 30 BIBLE STUDY .................................................................................................. 32 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ........................................................ 33 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX .................................................................. 40 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore .. 41

The special cut-out on this month's cover is to call attention to an important article on prophecy by Evangelist Merv Rosell.

S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor MARY PAGE: copy editor

LLOYD HAMILL: managing editor MILTON R. SUE: advertising manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager

JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager

NORMAN B. ROHRER: editorial-advertising coordinator EARNESTINE RITTER: editorial assistant editorial board Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O.. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Chester J. Podgett, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton.

MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in tne Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADbRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, ond Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 50 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business/' ADVERTISING -r- For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.

The King's Business/July 1958


Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller

BIOLA Bible Conference

UNDERSTANDING It was a heart-warming experience for Daddy and Mother to hear their 17-year-old son pray: “Dear Lord, help us Juniors in the achievement tests today. Help us to think clearly and may we not be tense.” “ Tents?” exploded four-year-old Mark. “That’s what Indians live in!” Family worship had not officially come to an end because the parents had not yet prayed. But the howl of laughter which filled the room at little brother’s comment, brought prayer time to an abrupt halt. “David didn’t mean that kind of tents, Mark,” Dorotheann explained. “Uh huh, he did,” the family “ caboose” insisted. “You’re stupid,” Paul chimed in. “He isn’t stupid. Mark just doesn’t understand the word David used. It isn’t part of his vocabulary yet. Nor do you understand what it means.” Mother added as a sort of after­ thought, “You didn’t sound very kind talking like that to your brother.” As Mother went to the first class of the day she found herself praying with renewed fervor that her 7th and 8th graders would come into a spiritual understanding of the Word in Bible class. She r e c a l l e d the prayer of the Apostle Paul for the Colossians: “ . . . that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual under­ standing” (1:9). She knew for certain that no man outside of Christ has true wisdom or comprehensive understand­ ing. David was showing signs of in­ creased maturity. Mother’s heart was glad in the knowledge. Her son had understanding that his Father could and would keep him calm in the face of tests. He was not afraid to ask for what he needed. How blessed he is to learn while in his youth the im­ portance of getting an understanding. As his parents pray for David, they pray for their other children, that they will all obey the injunction: “Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is (Eph. 5:17). Tense — or tents? Mental maturity will make clear the different mean­ ings to Mark. But may spiritual understanding never lag behind the mental.

The shape of things to come

With the ushering in of the international geophysical year and the opening of the space age with man-made satellites, there appears to be a vitally new interest in biblical prophecy. With this in mind, the B iola Bible Conference at Mount Her- mon, Calif, this year will have the theme: “ The Shape of Things to Come.” The conference is scheduled for August 10-17 and will feature Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor; Dr. S. H. Sutherland, Presi­ dent; Mr. A1 Sanders, Vice-President; Dr. Arthur B. Whiting, Chairman of the B iola Bible Department; Miss Joy Ridderhoff of Gospel Recordings. Margaret Sanders will be at the organ and Dr. Gordon Hooker at the piano. Mount Hermon (see May K.B.) is located south of San Fran­ cisco in the heavily wooded Santa Cruz Mountains. CAMPUS CARAVAN BIOLA faculty teams again this year will hold special con­ ferences in the Northwest under a project known as the Campus Caravan. These conferences are geared to meet the needs of each individual church in which they are held. For information on either the Mount Hermon conference or the Campus Caravan conferences, write Kenneth Daniels, Di­ rector of Christian Service, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.


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The King's Business/July 1958



l ^ e a c t i on Ire Up your

Sirs: Please send me an order blank for gift subscriptions. We enjoy KB so much and several we sent as gifts were also appreciated. It surely gets my ire up to read letters of unjustified criticism of your fine publication. Oxnard, Calif. Mrs. A. M. Cargile On Which Side? Sirs: W e received an unusual blessing from the June issue. However we’re somewhat puzzled over Brother Bob Shuler’s article, “Do We Hate Each Other?.” He talks about the diffi­ culty of straddling the fence on is­ sues. It would seem that our good brother is fairly good at fence- straddling himself. Who is he for anyway? Is he for Billy Graham or against him? I know The King’s Business stands 100% behind Billy Graham and all other men who are preaching the pure gospel of our Saviour. But where Brother Shuler stands is anyone’s guess from this article. Los Angeles, Calif. Wesley Klngsford, Jr. Sirs: So there’s been wide-spread cri­ ticism of Billy Graham. It proves nothing except that the devil is busy as usual. Portland, Ore. Mrs. W. W. Carlson Lana Turner Affair Sirs: I wish e v e r y teen-ager (and every Christian parent) could read your editorial on the Lana Turner affair. Something hideous is hap­ pening to our moral fiber. Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Mary Cook Kennedy Sirs: I’m a father and your editorial on Lana Turner was exactly what I needed. I’ve been letting my good wife be the spiritual leader of our home. M y wife nearly cried when I suggested it would be good for me to conduct daily devotions for the family. Even the kids seem to ap­ preciate my new interest. Chicago, III. Dennis Larson Poetry Sirs: I’ve been wanting to say how much we appreciate the fine poetry in KB. A special thanks for all nine poems in the June issue. Los Angeles, Calif. Wanda Inman

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4flRtt For a Catalog write to the registrar: W E S T M O N T C O L L E G E 955 La Paz Road •Santa Barbara, Calif. Roger J. Voskuyl, Ph.D., President


A monthly column of names in the news One calm night last spring Oh ln-ho, 26, a Christian Korean gradu­ ate student at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), was slashed down on the street by a mob of adolescents in a senseless, sadis­ tic murder. A few months before, Oh had talked with Dr. Bob Finley, president of International Students, Inc., about their mutual interest in world evangelism. “ Oh has become the first martyr among missionaries from Korea to heathen America,” says Finley. Oh’s parents, Presby­ terians, wrote from Korea: “We hope you can spare a piece of land in your country and bury our boy there, for your land is part of the homeland of Christians and people of democratic society.” Miss Gladys Aylward ( “ The Small Woman,” Reader's Digest, Aug. ’57) is sorry she agreed to let 20th Century-Fox do an ,n9ri

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The King's Business/July 1958

On the A ir ., from Times Square !

y 0 u x oue

ym n A By Phil Kerr

I LOVE TO TELL THE STORY Words by Katherine Hankey Music by Wm. G. Fischer Come hymnals credit the authorship “*to Katherine Hankey, some to Kate Hankey. Her real name was Arabella Catherine Hankey. She was bom in Clapham, England in 1834, the daughter of a wealthy banker. At the age of 30 she was taken ill, was bed-ridden for many months and spent additional months convalescing. While bedfast, she determined to write a lengthy poem on “The Life of Jesus in Verse.” Two well-known songs have been derived from Miss Hankey’s poetical effort — “Tell Me the Old, Old Story” from the first part, and “ I Love to Tell the Story” from the second part. Dr. William H. Doane composed musical settings for each of them in 1870 and his tune for “Tell Me the Old, Old Story” is still used. Another famous composer, W. G. Fischer, composed a musical set­ ting for “ I Love to Tell the Story” ; his melody has displaced Doane’s. “ I Love to Tell the Story” with Fischer’s musical setting, was first published in 1872, in Music for Campmeetings. The chorus was added by Fischer, both words and music, when he wrote the original melody in 1869. Miss Hankey was devoted to Sun­ day school work. She made a trip to South Africa to care for an invalid brother, and while there she devel­ oped a keen interest in foreign mis­ sions. She devoted the entire proceeds' from her profitable literary efforts to foreign missionary activities. She died in London in 1911. Fischer was bom October 14, 1835, in Baltimore. At the age of eight he was chosen to “start the singing” in the services of the Berman church which he attended. In his young man­ hood he took up the bookbinding trade, studying music>at night. Later he became a teacher of voice and piano, and for 10 years was a pro­ fessor of music in Girard College. He became associated with John E. Gould (composer of “ Jesus Saviour Pilot Me” ) in a profitable retail piano business. He composed musical set­ tings for many hymns, notably “Whiter Than Snow,” “A Little Talk with Jesus,” and “ I Am Coming to the Cross.” He died in Philadelphia, August 13, 1912.

! fke title ins tiiu ie H hourI • Heart searching Vnessages « Thrilling festi- monies 1 i • Outstanding ,eQfu' e , • Inspiring music ■

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V i DON lee





A for-men-only feature dealing with basic Christianity/by Lloyd Hamill

Down the Colorado

hidden rocks o f life. I don’t know what rocks are hard astride your pathway right now. Maybe it’s a problem you hardly dare admit to yourself. And if you’re like most men you’re determined to grit your teeth and plow right on through the situation. The only trouble with this approach is that it’s likely to be disastrous. Behind some o f the rocks on the Colorado are swirling holes where the water may be 15 to 20 feet lower than the rest o f the surface. My friend Floyd dropped into one o f these swirling holes once and his small rubber boat folded up like a jackknife. As powerful a swimmer as he is he couldn’t get to shore until he had been swept the full length o f the white-foam rapid. There are situations in life that are just too much for the average man. If he plunges ahead, things will fold up around him until he’s en­ gulfed in a situation he simply cannot handle. I think the reason most men plunge deter­ minedly ahead in an effort to solve the rocky situations that are a part o f life is that they just see no other way. They believe in God but aren’t sure how to come to God for help. This seems to be an universal stumbling stone. Yet it needn’t be. We have absolutely no other way o f knowing God except through the Bible. The solution o f how to come to God for help is as simple as reading any book o f instruc­ tions— in this case the book is the Bible. I f a man is really interested in divine help and in knowing that all his sins can be wiped out, then he’ll carefully read the Gospel o f John* and then the rest o f the New Testament. Jesus Christ said that He came that we might have life more abundantly. Once we determinedly come to Him for forgiveness then we automatically have access to divine help for every problem o f life. END-

DAy wife and I count Floyd and Cathy Henney o f La Crescenta, Calif, as two o f our finest friends. We’ve especially enjoyed camping trips together. They’re both active members o f the Sierra Club and have a deep appreciation for the out-of-doors. I’ve known Floyd for 13 years. He’s an all- around outdoor man even though he doesn’t like to either hunt or fish. He’s a top swimmer and an expert skiier. He’s one o f the Sierra Club’s better rock-climbers. He’s prospected in Alaska and shot the treacherous rapids o f the Colorado in a rubber boat with 120° winds blasting up the canyon. After several trips through the Colorado his skill was put to use by Georgia White. She runs tours down the Colorado and two years ago she hired Floyd to guide one o f the big rubber boats. I found out something from Floyd about the Colorado that has a rock-solid spiritual applica­ tion. He says the most dangerous time to go down the Colorado is not when the water is turbulently high but when it is low. High water takes the boats over hidden rocks that are a stark dread to any good boatman. And so with our spiritual life. If our spiritual level is low then the rocks o f life will eventually destroy us. None o f us can escape going through situa­ tions that are studded with conflicts. This holds true for the man who has come into a proper relationship with God through Jesus Christ and for the man who has not yet had such an exper­ ience. Life is that way. The rocks are there. The hot winds blast full in our face. But for the man who has taken Jesus Christ into his life there is one vast difference. Like the turbulent Colorado at high water stage, a high spiritual life will see a man over the

*A free copy of The Gospel of John (with explanatory guide by Lloyd Hamill) will be sent free to any seeker or new convert asking for it.

The King's Business/July 1958


Charles Lee Feinberg

Hebrew-Christian Theologian, Writer, Educator

For his reading, a score of languages.

tional Honorary Scholastic Fratern­ ity and of the National History Fraternity, Phi Alpha Theta. He is also a member of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, and of the American Schools of Oriental Research. He is a Fellow of the Philosophical Society of Great Britain and is listed in Who’s Who in the Clergy and in Who’s Who in the Americas. Dr. Feinberg is p r e s i d e n t of Emeth ( “ Truth” ) Publications, Inc. All the profit from his books goes into that organization. Before coming to Talbot Semi­ nary, Dr. Feinberg taught church history, Semitics and Old Testa­ ment at Dallas Theological Semi­ nary, pastored churches in Texas, Tennessee and California and was professor of Old Testament at the L o s A n g e l e s Bible Theological Seminary. He was for five years Jewish minister of the Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles. His forte is teaching and he loves the give-and-take of the classroom. He sometimes paces the entire cir­ cumference of a room with his hands behind his back, gesticulating now and then during his rapid-fire lecture. He is impatient with ques­ tions that are out of order, hut full of praise for pertinent ones on the subject under consideration. Some students say they never relax a moment in his classes. One day while lecturing a class in Hebrew grammar some plumb­ ers three stories below kept pound­ ing on pipes that ran up through the classroom. Dr. Feinberg opened a window and called down, “W ill you stop pounding on those pipes? I want to make some noise of my own!” The pounding ceased. When students complain of diffi­ culty with the Hebrew language he says good naturedlv, “Don’t look at me, I didn’t write it!” Other

downtown campus he studies and writes in a score of languages, hur­ ries to and from seminary classes with a briefcase packed with books, travels by plane approximately 25,000 miles a year on speaking engagements across America and finds time to tape weekly broadcasts for two Southern California radio stations and occasionally one for a station in Oregon. He edits the Tal­ bot Seminary Bulletin, is currently preparing an extended study on the Book of Isaiah and a manuscript giving salient facts about each book of the Bible for young Christians. Dr. Feinberg is on the Scofield Ref­ erence Bible Revision Committee and is contributing to a new dic­ tionary of theology and exegetical studies on Nahum for a new com­ mentary on the Bible. Besides graduating with honors from the Hebrew Institute and the University of Pittsburgh, Feinberg earned his Th.B., Th.M. and Th.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary (Tex.) — the latter degree with the first summa cum laude ever granted by Dallas in its history — an A.M. in Old Testament frotti the Southern Methodist U n iv e r s i t y and a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins in archaeology and Semitic languages. He is a member of Eumatheia, Na-

A i i during that long autumn night in 1930, Charles Lee Feinberg, 21, lay wide awake on his bed in his father’s home in Pittsburgh, Pa., considering the claims of Jesus Christ. Feinberg had been con­ firmed in a synagogue at 13, had graduated with honors from the Hebrew Institute and the Univer­ sity of Pittsburgh, and was well on his way to the rabbinate. The Gen­ tile’s Jesus could not be mentioned in his orthodox Jewish household because of the commandment to take the Name of no “ false god” upon the bps. Yet he could not escape the penetrating questions of a zealous Christian neighbor lady which had fallen on his ear that day. “ W hy do you have no more prophets?” she asked, . and no more priests? How will you recog­ nize the Messiah when He comes?” Charles tossed from side to side in his bed and struggled with his problem. “ Oh God!” he cried, “ if this Jesus is the Messiah — the promise of my people— reveal it to me and I’ll believe Him now!” The Steel City clock struck five a.m. Charles stopped churning the sheets and lay still. Immediately he was soothed by a deep-seated, per­ manent conviction of having peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ and fell soundly asleep. Charles Feinberg could no longer tolerate the observance of cere­ monies required of him and subse­ quently left home, f o r s o o k th e rabbinate and threw himself into the Christian ministry. Today he is director of Talbot Theological Seminary, Los Angeles, (a school of the Bible Institute of Los An ­ geles) and one of the youngest biblical scholars in the field of Old Testament studies. In his neat, colorfully-curtained office on the sixth floor of Biola’s

Feinberg on Prophecy For nearly six months KB editors have been laying the groundwork for a new section in the magazine on prophecy. Editing this prophetic section will be Dr. Charles L. Feinberg. Watch for it starting in September. As a forerunner of this important new fea­ ture our cover story for this month is also on prophecy. W e believe you’ll profit from Merv Rosell’s timely article.


The King's Business/JuJy 1958

Schoolmates jested: “When Fein­ berg leaves the library there’s no use going in for books.” For his confirmation service at 13 he donned a ceremonial prayer shawl and phylacteries, repeated special prayers and read from the prophets. Each week day his public school lessons were capped by instruction in a Hebrew school which he at­ tended from four to six p.m. He spent 14 years in this school prepar­ atory to the rabbinate. In high school his honor work included the translation of Virgil’s Aeneid into a play, erudition in chess and academic honors in every grade. He entered the University of Pittsburgh at 17 and finished with honors in three years, before he was 20. At 18 he had graduated from the Hebrew Institute of Pitts­ burgh. At 21, several months before he was converted, he won the 1930 International Essay Contest of the Junior Order of B’nai B’rith for his writing on “ Modem Tendencies in Jewish Education.” His was the first essay to receive a unanimous vote of the judges. While young Feinberg was still in high school a godly and zealous Christian lady moved next door to him in the Steel City. She took every occasion of their meeting to speak about the Bible and Jesus Christ. It was at this time that Feinberg pondered the questions concerning why it was that the Jews no longer had prophets and priests and how he would recognize the Messiah if He came. At both the Hebrew Institute and the University of Pittsburgh he was tom by unbelief. Liberal instructors attacked his premises and crowed their intellectual superiority over the old-fashioned fundamental doc­ trines of the Scriptures. Feinberg majored in history at the univer­ sity and minored in French, Ger­ man, English and psychology. Eventually he doubted the existence of God and was well on his way to atheism. He steeped himself in the writings o f Tom Paine, Robert

of them came to him through hard work. “ If there is one bugaboo in Jewish homes,” he says, “ it’s ignor­ ance! Not many will tolerate it.” Charles Lee Feinberg’s home was no different. He grew up in Pitts­ burgh, Pa., under the tutoring of strict, orthodox Jewish parents who had both been born in Poland. His father, a custom tailor, was a mem­ ber of the Talmudic Study Group in the local synagogue. He always went beyond the required observ­ ances of fastings and ritual “ be­ cause,” he said, “ God doesn’t give us blessings in meastire.” The Fein­ berg family prayed before meals, after meals, before rising and retir­ ing — even before drinking a glass of water. Charles, whose Hebrew name is Bezpleel ( “ In the shadow of God” ),

times, “ It’s too late to change the Hebrew language now!” And once he quipped to a student, “ Look at your text, don’t look at me. The map of Israel might be written on my face but the text isn’t.” He has often surprised a student after class by meeting him with, “ I know what you’re going to ask . . .” and then telling him the answer before he opens his mouth. His scrawling blackboard illus­ trations don’t help his lectures greatly because he has to take so much time telling the class what it is he’s illustrating. Students appreciate his warm, personal interest in helping them outside class. Once during fall regis­ tration at Biola, Dr. Fe inb e rg l e a r n e d o f a s t u d e n t p a s s i n g through the line whose brother had just died. Immediately he got up and took the student into a side room where they had prayer to­ gether and chatted about things of mutual interest. Another time a student in the hospital received an exam sheet with a personal note from Dr. Feinberg at the bottom assuring him of his prayers and a verse of Scripture written out to comfort him. He is known for his clever puns and has an excellent memory, often inquiring about members of the family of his students. In conver­ sation he is sometimes elliptical, leaving out words and occasionally whole phrases. Dr. Feinberg will preach in churches of any size and has a way of making himself at home any­ where. He often distributes tracts in public places and is not above preaching on the street when there is opportunity. Each morning he spends some time reading promotional literature from mission organizations and has read the Bible through in English as many as five times a year. Be­ sides that he reads it in French, German, Hebrew and Greek, Latin, Arabic, Aramaic and other Semitic languages. He has a natural ability for learning other tongues hut most

Books by Dr. Feinberg

1) God Remembers (Zechariah) 2) Hosea: God’s Love for Israel 3) Joel, Amos and Obadiah 4 ) Jonah, Micah and Nahum

5) Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Malachi 6) Z'echariah: Israel’s Comfort and Glory 7) Premillennialism or Amillennialism? 8) Israel in the Spotlight In addition to these eight books Dr. Fein­ berg has published numerous tracts, pam­ phlets and booklets. Any reader of T h e K ing ’ s B usiness may have a free listing of the writings of Dr. Feinberg by writing to the magazine.

is third eldest of seven children. As a youth he absorbed his father’s industry for Judaism. He rested on the Sabbath, fasted on the Day of Atonement and studied the Hebrew Scriptures diligently against the day when he would become a rabbi.


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