King's Business - 1958-07

yes / want to give one g ift subscription o f The King’s Business this month. my name address send gift to: (name) street city zone state send gift card signed:------------------------------- ------------------------- -—- Bill me later for the one-year price of just $3 Opportunity for a Rewarding Vocation for both men and women IMAGINE YOURSELF EARNING

communion to get the mind of God, that the words we give to men may be the words of God and give birth to the blessed life of God in them. Notice 2 Corinthians 3:18: “ But we all, with open face behold­ ing as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” Opposite that verse in our Bible are these words: “ God’s photograph gallery.” You who know something of pho­ tography, know there are three things needful in it. First, there is the object which is to be photo­ graphed. Second, there is a sensi­ tive film that must look toward that object and receive the impression of it. Third, there is the sunshine which transfers the object to the sensitive film. As we read that verse one day we thought: “ Surely it is God’s photograph gallery.” Lis­ ten to it: “ But we all with open face”— there is the sensitive film turned toward the Lord. W e all with open face “ beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord.” There is the object to be photographed: — “ He hath foreordained us to be conformed into the image of his Son.” Listen again: “W e all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed” — there is the process— “ from glory to glory.” In what way? “ Even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” There like the sunshine is the marvelous power that transfers the image to you and to me. Transformed through beholding; transformed through “ looking unto Jesus.” What a wonderful thought it is! And it is in this place of com­ munion, as we look unto Him, that this transformation takes place. W e struggle and strive and work to become like Jesus, but somehow —we do not know how, we do not understand any more than we un­ derstand how that beautiful picture is transferred from the landscape to the film— as we look unto Jesus in the place of prayer; as we look unto Him in the place of communion; as our souls cease their strivings and their vain struggles to make the old flesh life like Him—which can never be— and just look, help­ lessly, to Him, somehow we are changed into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we look unto Je­ sus we come to look like Jesus. Those who wait upon Him shine

$10,000 A YEAR! orup to $75 aweekand more in your spare time It’s being done by ambitious Christians with a vision— and you can do it, too!

A re y o u dissatisfied in y o u r present p osition— n o t particularly h ap p y in th e en vironm ent? Y o u ’d like to b ecom e associated w ith an organization where y o u can com bin e energetic Christian service w ith rewarding financial gain. Y o u w ant an op p ortu n ity where y ou r earnings can be commensurate, w ith p rodu ctive e ffort— lim ited on ly b y you r ow n am ­ bition , a b ility and vision to serve G o d and com m u n ity. Perhaps y o u find it difficult to m ake ends m eet. Y o u ’d like to get things fo r the h om e or fam ily th a t y ou r present salary doesn ’t perm it— and y o u ’d like to turn y ou r spare tim e in to profitable a ctivity .

offered in cou p on below . T o list ju st a few : M u rray H all, w ho resigned his teaching position, earned $748.00 in one m on th . . . R e v . R a ym o n d K ram er, busy pastor, m ade $303.00 in a m on th part tim e . . . D r. H erbert Blashfield, earned $12,131.40 in on e year . . . M rs. H azel G a r b e r s o n , h o u s e w ife a n d m o th e r , earned from $3,985.00 to $5,400.00 a year p a rt tim e, over a 15-year period. These people, whether d ev otin g full or part tim e to their positions, are fu l­ filling an im portan t Christian service in their comm u nities— and doin g very well financially.

T h en here’s you r opp ortu n ity to b ecom e associated w ith a com p an y th a t has been in business for over 35 years— highly respected b y Christian leaders in every P rotestan t denom ination. Our Service is recomm ended b y m en and w om en y o u know . Our program is unique— it has no com petition . E v ery Christian h om e in y ou r tow n and neighboring comm unities is a prospect. Y o u d o n o “ cold canvass­ ing,” b u t w ork on a proven selected lead system . N o deliveries to make. Find o u t fo r you rself w hat others h ave d on e— send for free folder

You, too, can enjoy this same profitable work if you team up with our well established organization. Just fill in the coupon NOW—and we’ll help you get started immediately!

C L IP AND MA IL T O D A Y ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------j


I Mr. Paul van Antwerpen, president 1018 S. Wabash Avenue, Dept. K78 • Chicago 5, Illinois

YES, I’M INTERESTED in information concerning a Q Full Time Q Part Time position with your company. I understand I am under no obligation. Please send me the folder, “ A J Business Opportunity,” which pictures 26 of your successful representatives and shows a record I of their earnings. Also send me complete information on your program. J MY NAME IS . ............. .... _______ _ _____ ,___- _______— ' | (Please state whether Mr., Miss , or Mrs.) j ADDRESS____ _______ _________ ............................................... .................................................— ------ j CITY_____________________ :___ __ __________________ZONE—,______ STATE___________________ . I L PRESENT OCCUPATION. J


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