King's Business - 1958-07

^ i^PRAYER CARDS Heavy, glossy card—easel type. Your message on both outside panels, each 4 x 5Vi inches.

world iwsgiums James O. Henry, M.A., Editor/ Associate professor of History, Biola Bible College

$ 2 0 f o r 1000 Cuts of pictures extra, $5.00 each C H U R C H P R E S S Box 551 Glendale, California

A New System of Tithing A leading department store in Nashville, Tenn. has started an an­ nual one-day event in which 10% of all sales will go to the church or synagogue designated by the buyer. The idea was conceived by Fred Harvey, president of one of the lo­ cal department stores, after he had received three letters and a phone call from officials of small denomi­ nations asking him for donations. Harvey said, “ In listening to those people from little chu r che s it dawned on me that it takes a lot of courage on their part to ask me for such donations. Harvey’s has always given as much as possible in the past, but we realized we were missing many deserving churches. I saw a chance in which we could help all churches through individual members of the congregations.” Harvey chose the Monday pre­ ceding Thanksgiving Day of each year as the day when the “ tithe all sales” will he held. He said minis­ ters, priests and rabbis of 950 churches and synagogues in the middle Tennessee trading area have been notified of the plan by person­ al letter from him. Harvey said the plan works this way: “ Each per­ son making a purchase on the desig­ nated day is asked to indicate on the back of his sales ticket the name and address of the specific church or synagogue to which he wishes Harvey’s to contribute 10% of the sale.” Official Drinking Banned The State Council of Johore Bahru, Malaya, a predominantly Moslem state, recently approved a resolution banning alcoholic drinks at all official state functions and en­ tertainments. Inche Suleiman Nai- nam Shah, sponsor of the resolu­ tion, argued that “ under alcoholic influence officials might say things that they should keep secret.” Quaker Membership Up W o r l d m em b e r s h i p i n th e

R e l i g i o u s S o c i e t y of Friends (Quakers) totals 192,820, a gain of 3,560 in a year, according to the Friends World Committee. Yearly meetings outside the United States with more than 1,000 members are: Madagascar, Guatemala, Ire­ land, Alaska, Cuba and Bolivia. Hungary Fights Drink Hungary, after Poland and Bul­ garia, will be the third Iron Cur­ tain country to take special meas­ ures against alcoholism. The measures probably will take the form of a reduction in the num­ ber of liquor stores, bars, restau­ rants and canteens selling alcoholic drinks and of earlier closing hours for those permitted to operate. Meanwhile the government has launched a campaign against drink­ ing. NepsZava, a trade union news­ paper, published the results of a re­ cent study stating that 30% of the recent admissions to four men­ tal homes were alcoholics and that th e a v e r a g e ag e o f confirmed drunkards in Hungary was 26% lower than the average in other countries. Incidents attributed to drunken­ ness are said to have increased threefold since 1955. Arrests for drunkenness in 1957 were 30% greater than in 1956. Jonathan Edwards Honored by Church That Ousted Him The First Church of Christ, Con­ gregational, o f N o r t h a m p t o n , Mass., from whose pulpit he was dismissed more than 200 years ago, recently honored the memory of the Rev. Jonathan Edwards. Anti-Semitism Again West German authorities, semi­ public bodies and the press sounded the alarm recently against symp­ toms of recrudescent anti-Semitism. Recent incidents and a court trial are said to have indicated that the rebirth of anti-Semitism may

A Penny a Day • (Not such a large sum to invest for eternity) \ Will give spiritual sight to the blind HOW? For information write to THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND, INC. .Founded in 1929 •430 East 141st Street - New York 54, N.Y. £ [John Binns, Pres. James E. Bennett, Treas .\ Rev. John Ernest Brown, Field Rep.

Reach Children !

6 pages — 3 colors 50 for $1.00 postpaid 1000 for $17.50 postpaid C H U R C H P R E S S Box 551 Glendale, California



TROUBLE 1 — a tract for l h BOYS AND 4 G IR L S ^ fl

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Admissions Office, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

Herb Jabn says— LE T ME DEVELOP YOUR TALENT QUICKLY! _______________ i yPiL, P L A Y ACCORDION, ORGAN or PIANO IMAGINE a soul-satisfving ministry playing glo­ rious Hymns for Church, Evangelistic Campaigns, Street Meetings, Mission Fields or for Friends. ____________CUP OR COPY COUPON_____________ I HERB JAHN, Box 147-B, Hollywood 28, Calif. I Send me without cost, your beautiful new BROCHURE and T.Q.T. to prove I can play I I Hymns through your ILLUSTRO GRAPH I i method just as you have taught your other • 3,000 students now enrolled. ■NAME....................... ............................................................ I ADDRESS............................................................................. I , CITY, ZONE, STATE...................................................... . Print PLAINLY — ___ mention instrument you wish to play __ _ 24

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