King's Business - 1958-07

tions which scholars of the Bible (in the years gone by) called the “Northern C on fed e ra c y .” We might refer to it now as the Soviet bloc because Ezekiel 30 indicates Russia will be followed by other specific nations predominately in a Soviet union. Now that the So­ viet and her satellites are so clearly on the scene and in the news, this portion seems more than significant. The Bible speaks of Russia spe­ cifically in Ezekiel 38. Here Ezek­ iel tells us what nations will unite in this bloc. “ The word of the Lord came unto me saying, Son of man set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Me- shech [Moscow] and Tubal [To­ bolsk], [the capitals of Russia and Siberia] and prophesy against him, and say, Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I am against thee, 0 Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armor.” You say, but Mr. Rosell, this must be an antiquated portion of the Bible. There’ll be no horses or horsemen in the last great war. Let me remind you that Russia has purchased 70% of all horse flesh in the world, and has been recently to the North American continent to buy the finest horses they could buy for the calvary units that may be used in the last conflict. Does the Bible name other na­ tions? Yes. First, Persia. The Bi­ ble refers to portions of Iraq and Iran as Persia. Fifty-five percent of all the oil wealth of the world is here. Consequently, this is a strategic location. The oil wealth of that area of the world may even­ tually come under the control of the Soviet. If this possibility is true, we won’t have any problem with surplus oil. W e’ll need every drop we can get. This is a care­ fully made statement, but Persia will eventuate in the camp of the

Soviet bloc, if this is the end time. Here are two more nations that seem destined for the Soviet bloc— Libya and Ethiopia. It just so hap­ pens now, that the hottest spot for propaganda in all the world is A f­ rica, and the Soviet propagandists are pouring millions of pieces of Soviet literature into that area in all forms. Another nation in the Russian bloc will be Gomer— literally Ger­ many. I do not predict this with my intelligence, but I indicate it by Bible knowledge. A portion of Ger­ many, if not all of it, shall in “ the last days” follow the Soviet bloc. There may not be a unified Ger­ many in our day in the Western world. I wish it were possible. We are friendly with them and we are hoping the great German people will survive with success, but if this is the day of fulfilled prophecy (and I think we can bank on it) there will be a portion of ¿Germany that will follow in the wake of the Soviet Union. Then Ezekiel mentions, “ Togar-

mah of the north quarters.” This is an area covered by Turkey. Tur­ key was one of our finest allies in the Korean war, and produces amazing fighting men. A portion of Turkey may eventuate in the Soviet bloc, in order that this “un­ ion of nations” will have a pathway through which the armies of the North can find “ land entrance” into Palestine. Do I think that Russia is going into Palestine? I believe in the last analysis, if this is “ the end of the age” (and time is moving so fast, this could very well be), the Soviet- Satellite bloc must move in one di­ rection and it will possibly be across the edge of Turkey, joining the Arab bloc, and then down to the plain of Megiddo, in the land of Palestine. Are you surprised that border disputes continue? The Bible says in Ezekiel 38:8: “ In the latter years thou shall come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the moun­ tains of Israel, which have been

The King's Business/July 1958


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