King's Business - 1958-07

talking it over Answers by D r . Clyde M. N arramore

Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, graduate of Columbia Uni­ versity, New York City, Is a psychologist and Consultant in Research and Guidance with one of the largest school systems in America.

Youth Leader Q. W e have a youth leader in our church who is taking some courses in psychology. He is a “ hero” to about 100 high school boys and girls. But this is his problem — he clearly tells the young people that he is not sure whether the Bible is God’s inspired Word. As older Christians in the church, how can we help him? A. Ask for his resignation. If he is unsettled on the question of the in­ spiration of the Scriptures; he has no business leading anyone, young or old. True, you should lead him to a saving knowledge of Christ, and instruct him. But no man should be a leader in the church if he does not believe the Word. I have found that most men who do not believe the Word have never been saved. When God saves a man, the Holy Spirit witnesses to him about this great truth. Mafurify Q. What is the difference between a girl of 17 and one of 20 in regard to her outlook on marriage? A. A girl of 20 is much more ma­ ture than a girl of 17. A girl of 17 is usually working on so many problems of her own (consciously or unconsciously) that she is not prepared to handle marriage prob­ lems — husband, budget, sickness, children, home management and spiritual development. A girl’s physical development at 17 is not too different from her d e v e l o p m e n t at 20. But other aspects of development differ great­ ly- At 20 she should have much more education and experience, should be much more stable emo­

tionally, should not be easily upset, her decisions should be better and her judgment should be much more sensible. Psychological Explanation Q. What is the psychological ex­ planation f o r b a s i c C h r i s t i a n convictions such as belief in the Trinity and the Virgin Birth? A. Credence in the great doctrines is revealed through the Holy Spirit. After a person is bom again, the Holy Spirit witnesses to him of these things. As he reads the Bible, he doesn’t have to muster up his own self belief. God, through the Holy Spirit gives him a definite, clear understanding of the great truths of the Bible. “ But the natu­ ral man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are fool­ ishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spir­ itually discerned” (1 Cor. 2:14). L o n g o v e r d u e ? Yes, but ready at last: C h r is t - c e n t e r e d l it e r a t u r e in the field of p s y c h o l o g y . T o help you in your daily living, counseling, speaking and writing. W hen you join the f e l l o w s h ip p l a n you w ill receive for one full year, a b o o k ­ l e t e a c h m o n t h . Such topics: se l f - c o n ­ f id e n c e , ADOPTION, DEVOTIONS, COURTSHIP & MARRIAGE, OLD AGE, MIXED MARRIAGES, COUNSELING TECHNIQUES, HANDLING FEAR, MENTAL HEALTH, PROBLEM CHILDREN, TEEN­ AGERS. Also each month you w ill receive m y small MAGAZINE, PSYCHOLOGY FOR LIVING, which is packed with interesting and help­ ful articles dealing with psychology and the Bible, c o st : Ten dollar gift (payable as you wish) toward m y national radio and Christian literature ministry. Gifts receipted for tax purposes (non-profit, Christian corporation), se n d t o d a y : Clyde M . Narramore, Box 206, Pasadena, Calif. ASK FOR FELLOWSHIP PLAN. Advertisement CHRISTIAN PSYCHOLOGY

People who have a hard time be­ lieving the basic doctrines of the Bible are usually those who 1) were never truly born again or 2) do not search the Scriptures. Friendliness Q. What is it that makes certain people easier to get acquainted with and to become friends with? A. Just look around and note the characteristics of your acquaint­ ances who have lots of friends. You will see that they are usually joy­ ous, h appy people. We are always attracted to people who are happy and optimistic rather than discour­ aged and pessimistic. A n o t h e r magnetic quality is sincerity. People can easily ' tell whether you are sincere. If you are not, they don’t want to be around you. They don’t like to associate with a counterfeit. W e are also drawn to people who notice us and speak to us. Just a little investment in others pays big dividends. Ministers, teachers, par­ ents, teen-agers — in fact, anyone who interests himself in other peo­ ple always gets noticed himself. Another a t t r a c t i v e quality is cleanliness and neatness. And of course there is no substitute for this important characteristic. Discreetness is another winsome virtue. W e hesitate to associate with people who use poor judgment about what they say. W e feel un­ safe and ill at ease around them. A discreet person, however, is al­ ways in demand. But the quality that is most de­ sired is godliness. It excels all others. When a person loves the Lord and obeys the Word, God makes him not only attractive but useful!

The King's Business/July 1958


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