King's Business - 1958-07

Please stop crying, Mommy I have!

chapel they will learn of God and His divine love. Bight now, hundreds of children are waiting to go to Mont Lawn. Yet, unless we receive immediate help, many will not go. Children like the little girl in this picture can be made to smile again, to laugh with joyous happiness, i f you wi ll make it possible. Will you —now —help take a little child away from her misery and give her to the sunlight of Mont Lawn? Even the smallest contribution will earn for you an anguished mother’s blessing and the gratitude of one of these, the littlest and closest to Christ’s Heart. $ 1 2 0 . 0 0 w ill give 3 children a full tw o w eeks' vacation at Mont Lawn — and may be paid for at the rate o f $10 per month $40.00 w ill give one child a full tw o w eeks' vacation $ 2 0 . 0 0 w ill give one child a full week's vacation . . . and any amount w ill help YOUR CONTRIBUTION IS DEDUCTIBLE ON INCOME TAX RETURN

years, but in time eyes drain dry. Only the heartbreak remains, and a pitiful childish hope. It is harder for this mother to stop crying. Only she knows the hopelessness of the situation. Worn out with the struggle to make some kind of happy life for her child, she breaks down and unashamedly weeps. What more can she do? But you can help this child. Your thoughtfulness can give her new hope and faith —lead her back into the warmth of human kindness — help her know the wonder of God’s love. On a sunny, wind-swept hill is a beautiful place called Mont Lawn. For two glorious weeks this summer, boys and girls from slum areas, broken homek and impoverished families will romp under tall shade trees, make new friends, go on hikes, eat lots and lots of nourishing food, sleep between clean sheets in their own beds. In an interdenominational

This little child’s tears have stopped because she has no more to shed. To a slum child, the times for heartache and tears are all too fre­ quent. An empty stomach hurts . . . a tenement is dark and frightening . . . life in the filthy alleyways is a brutalizing thing. The tears of the slum child come easily in the early CHRISTIAN HERALD CHILDREN'S HOME Business Office: 27 EAST 39TH STREET, Room 522 I NEW YORK 16, N. Y. Yes, I want to sponsor wonderful inspiring | vacations for slum children in God's outdoors. | - □ I enclose $10 as my first month's gift. I will - | endeavor to give $10 each month, but I under- | stand that I may cancel the arrangement at any ■ time. □ I enclose | □ $120 (gives 3 children 2 weeks at Mont ■ Lawn) □ $40 (gives one child 2 weeks) □ $20 (gives one child 1 week) □ I cannot provide a complete vacation, but I | wish to have a share in this plan and I enclose i I I I


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