King's Business - 1958-07

A monthly column of names in the news One calm night last spring Oh ln-ho, 26, a Christian Korean gradu­ ate student at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), was slashed down on the street by a mob of adolescents in a senseless, sadis­ tic murder. A few months before, Oh had talked with Dr. Bob Finley, president of International Students, Inc., about their mutual interest in world evangelism. “ Oh has become the first martyr among missionaries from Korea to heathen America,” says Finley. Oh’s parents, Presby­ terians, wrote from Korea: “We hope you can spare a piece of land in your country and bury our boy there, for your land is part of the homeland of Christians and people of democratic society.” Miss Gladys Aylward ( “ The Small Woman,” Reader's Digest, Aug. ’57) is sorry she agreed to let 20th Century-Fox do an ,n9ri

T h is w ill in te re st YOU . . . Our field representatives m eet Christian men and w om en quite frequen tly who are lookin g for places to in vest their m oney. M ost o f them need a return on their savings. Som e are considering investm ents in stocks. But, because o f their lim ited know ledge o f stock s and bonds, th ey are reluctant to buy. Others hesitate because o f market fluctuations, uncertainty o f dividends, etc. And som e tell us o f disappoin tin g ex­ periences on their investm ents. * * * W ith ou t exception , all are look in g for security . . . a guarantee th at they will be assured o f a generous incom e. S om e­ thing th ey can cou n t on as long as they live . . . in good times or bad . . . regard­ less o f whether the stock market is up or dow n . B u t th e y ’re interested in something else, to o . * * * Y ou should see their faces ligh t up . . . when w e tell them a b ou t th e d o u b l e d iv id e n d s provided b y M o o d y An nu i­ ties. W h en w e tell th em th a t M o o d y Annuities assure th em o f a generous, guaranteed income as long as they live (up to 8 X % depending on their age) . . . plus a share in the L o rd ’s w ork . . . th e y ’re o v erjoy ed ! A n d when w e tell th em th a t every annuity is back ed b y all th e resources o f M o o d y B ible In stitu te, and th a t M B I has never missed a single p a ym en t in alm ost 50 years . . . th ey are con vin ced th at it’s the plan for them ! WOULD YOU L IK E TO R E C E IV E DOUBLE D IV ID EN D S ON YO U R MONEY? We’ll be happy to send you the free book­ let, double dividends , which explains the

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Please send me a copy of □ “ Through the Arch.” □ The latest Moody catalog.

820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago 10, Illinois □ Please send me, without obligation, Double Dividends , story of Moody Annuity Plan. □ Please send folder, Where There's a Will, relating to stewardship. Name -A ge-

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The King's Business/July 1958

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