God willing, believes firmly in the Virgin Birth of Christ. . . one aspect of the fact that His name is called WONDERFUL. Christmas will never appeal to reason. It appeals to the truth of God’s love and grace for you and me. Chapter Two T hat our S aviour was wonderful in His birth no mind can truly fathom. It was a supernatural event, never happening before, and never happening since. Christ was also wonderful in His life. In Luke 2:52, we read concerning the Master, “He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” The Gospel writer says about those who heard Him speak, that “they wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth.” Nicodemus, well- schooled, and well-versed in the things of the law, as well as possess ing an excellent educational back ground, could not, in his finite think ing, comprehend the infinite wisdom of God through Christ. When told of the necessity of the second birth, of salvation through faith, he re sponded by saying, “How can these things be?” The mind without Christ is blind to the truth and cannot fa thom God’s simple plan of salvation. The life of Christ was a wonder, a miraculous, supernatural marvel that defies description apart from the teaching of the Word of God. At His crucifixion, the hearts of those who performed the act of execution were filled with the realization of this fact, as is testified to by the Roman cen turion who cried out, as the earth trembled, “Truly, this was the Son of God.” All the miracles, the divine wisdom, the gracious goodness, the overpowering of Satan and the in spired teachings give evidence that
so that He might be identified with all men, so that from the least to the greatest, all might have the privilege of eternal life; none, not anyone of any age, would have an excuse. In His wonderful coming, we have un mistakably the interweaving and in tertwining of humanity and deity. Since man had sinned, death must be required of man. But another Man, the God-man Jesus Christ, stepped into the place of your sins and mine, bearing them on the tree, the cross, that He might redeem us to God. He paid the price, the Just for the un just. There have been certain destruc tive critics of every generation who have said, “It never happened before, and it has never happened since; therefore, it never happened.” Let me read you what Dr. Howard Kelly of the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Medical Clinic had to say about this aspect ; “If the Virgin Birth occurred twice it would have taken away from the very significance of Christ’s com ing.” And he is righ t; if it had occurred to others, how could His name have been called “Wonderful?” I am greatly distressed, and yes, even a little disgusted, as I feel you probably are, too, to read in national news magazines statements from the lips of so-called Christian education leaders of certain liberal denomina tions. These religious groups, which once stood firm for the truth, have departed from the faith and from the Gospel message. Here is a state ment made by a leader of a group who spoke on the subject of the adult teacher manual produced for use in Sunday schools across the nation. “We strongly feel that the subject of the Virgin Birth is far too techni cal and controversial for the Christ mas lesson, and that certainly it should be avoided.” This is heresy to the Christian message. I want to go on record on behalf of Biola which for the past 60 years, and for the years to come until the Lord returns,
You cannot be your brother’s keeper if you are caged by selfishness. 11
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