and pointing to them recited, “Three in one and one in three, and the one in the middle died for me.” What a testimony that is for our Everlast ing Father, the Lord Jesus Christ who came to suffer death that He might give to us eternal life. The term Everlasting Father, or Father of Eternity, means some thing else. It suggests that He is the One who knows who will be in eter nity. He created it. Eternal ages, the Trinity, life after death, all these may puzzle us, but there is no ques tion with Him. There are no tomor rows with God, for He is already there. I like what Dr. G. Campbell Morgan had to say on this subject: “One of the joys of the contempla tion of the hereafter is that God is infinite in wisdom and power, and my own consciousness of eternal existence becomes bearable as I re member that there can be no monot ony with God, always new ages, al ways new creations, always new manifestations of One Eternal, In comprehensible Being Whom I call God, embodied through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.” That’s the mes sage of the Christmas season. Chapter Six W hat is it that this world desires most of all as we come to Christ mas? Regardless of political affilia tion, I am sure each of us would like to see lasting peace achieved through out the world. If there is anything this earth is sick of, it is war, and the even more nerve-shattering tense ness of the threat of war. The Bible, however, gives no indication, and records of history bear out the fact, that there will be true and lasting peace upon this earth, until the Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of peace re turns to rule and to reign. The name given to the Lord in prophetical writ ing some 750 years before He entered the stream of humanity was, “The Prince of Peace.” 17
every turn, would know something of the life to come and the One who makes it all possible, he has only to come to know as personal Saviour from sin, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is in fact and form, The Everlasting Father. Some have translated this name of Christ so as to mean that His name shall be called the Father of eternity. Do you have a loved one who has passed through this veil of tears ? Would you know the One with whom there are no tomorrows (for He is already there) ? Then see God face to face for He is the Father of Eter nity. To see Him face to face is to see the Son, the Lord Jesus. The word Father is usually asso ciated with, the first person of the Trinity, but here it is a name ascribed to the Lord Jesus Christ. It means “the Possessor,” “the Au thor,” “the Originator” of eternity. He is from everlasting to everlasting. The Lord Jesus was ever on an equality with God. There are some cults and isms today which will try to tell you that Christ was a won derful person, perhaps that He even possessed powers beyond others, but the Bible clearly gives us to under stand that He was co-equal, co-exist ent, co-eternal, with God. Listen to the words of Paul, under the inspira tion of the Holy Spirit, “Who being in the form ’of God,” speaking of Christ, “thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man.” Here we see that the Eternal Father and the Eternal Son were on an equality, for they were one in essence, a subject which our finite minds cannot begin to comprehend. Because we are not able to fathom the spiritual depths of the mystery of the Trinity, however, doesn’t mean that we should cease talking about it. I like the definition which the boy gave when he was asked for a testimony preceding his joining the church. Not knowing any thing else, he held up three fingers
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