Biola Broadcaster - 1969-01

To an older person there may come a sense of insecurity. Yet today some­ times the most insecure people are only teenagers. Security is coming to the cross and seeing your need of Jesus Christ as personal Saviour. It is the realization that Jesus Christ is alive, and that He dwells in your heart by His Holy Spirit. He will never leave you nor forsake you. No one can touch you or take you out of His hands. We could have gone on in the area and found elephants, hippos and croc­ odiles, and all manner of ferocious beasts. Yet, inside the car there would be no danger. This has been my spir­ itual record with the Lord Jesus. God hasn’t necessarily taken away the WE WAIT A STAR The heavens waited, bare and awed, To be set all aglow by God. A hush, a single prick of light. Another, till from sheer delight The morning stars together sang And heaven’s farthest reaches rang. Hearing the firmament proclaim The wonder of His matchless name. Dim, distant morn, When stars were born! Three men met on a long past day, Three kings were they from far away, And they had followed far, so far The guidance of a brilliant star. It led them over hill and glade, Through mountain paths, in sun and shade, To where the Lord Christ Jesus lay; Glory came down to earth that day. Oh wondrous morn, When Christ was born! Again, of bright and morning star, We wait Thy coming from afar. Our hearts have waited long, Thy bride Yearns to be at her Bridegroom's side. Throughout the long dark nights we pray

testings. He hasn’t removed the suf­ fering or taken away the danger. He’s simply clasped me all the firmer. I knew I was perfectly safe. In whose hands are you? You may go to church and are even a church member. This is fine and socially commendable. Keep in mind, though, that the church won’t save you. You personally must be the hands of Christ. You’ll recognize His hands, for they are nail-pierced. They have known suffering, and have always brought peace and comfort in the dark and difficult times. You can trust them fully. They have never brought tragedy. If you are in the hands of Christ today, you are safe for all of time and for all eternity.

"Come, blessed Lord, do not delay.” Our hearts are weary and grown dim From searching distant skies for Him.

We wait a star We wait a star!

—Martha Snell Nicholson

THE STABLE I am so glad He was not born In some rich palace bed. I am so glad to know it was A lowly place, instead, A place where soft-eyed cows and sheep Were sheltered and were fed. For to the country-born of earth A stable will ever be A wholesome place, where night comes down With its tranquility, A place of heart's ease and content For all who choose to see. And so I like to think of Him, Fjrst opening His eyes In that good elemental place Beneath the friendly skies, That the men of fields could find him there, As well as the great and wise. —Grace Noll Crowell


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