

Explosion à Pointe-au-Chêne

Une explosion en lien avec une cuisinière à gaz a blessé grièvement une femme de 51 ans, à Pointe-au-Chêne, samedi dernier. Selon les informations de la Sûreté

du Québec, les policiers ont été appelés à une résidence de la route 148 en raison d’une importante déflagration qui a totalement ravagé le bâtiment. Les techniciens en scène d’incendie n’ont pas trouvé d’éléments criminels en lien avec l’explosion et cette dernière serait reliée à une défaillance de la cuisinière, de son alimentation ou de son utilisation. La dame a été transportée d’urgence dans un centre hospitalier de Montréal où son état était stable, mais jugé critique en raison de la gravité de ses blessures dont celle à une jambe.


Photos fournies

Jeanne Charlebois

L’explosion a complètement détruit la résidence.

'5ŏ3!! ŏ3.*%*#ŏ Several teenagers in the Eastern Ontario region are in hospital now after eating JimsonWeed.

measuring three to four feet high and just as broad. The plant has pointed green leaves and large trumpet-shaped white or purple flowers measuring up to eight inches in size that bloom in the evening and remain open overnight until morning. The blooms have a strong lemony scent. The prickly seed pod contains dozens of seeds. All parts of the plant are poisonous and contains atropine, scopolamine and other powerful hypnotic sedatives along with a high level of nitrate. Incidents of Jimson Weed poisoning are common in the United States and Canada, often involving people who have heard or read about the plant’s use in ancient sacred rituals. It also was one of the ingredients used during medieval times in a body lo- tion that gave the user hallucinations about “flying” and is believed to be one explana- tion why some people were accused of and executed for witchcraft during those times. All parents and caregivers are urged to talk to their children about the risks in- volved with Jimson Weed. If Jimson Weed poisoning is ever suspected, take the per- son affected to hospital right away. More information about the plant and its dangers is available from the Prescott-Rus- sell Addiction Services agency, toll-free at 1-855-624-1415.

The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) has issued a community alert about the deadly plant that some people experiment with for its narcotic effects without full knowlege of the risk. «Young people are not aware of the serious risk they’re taking,» sta- ted Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, EOHU chief medi- cal health officer. «Some of them may think of Jimson Weed as a substitute for other drugs. Unfortunately, this could cost them their lives.» Jimson Weed attacks the central nervous system, affecting the heart rate, blurring the vision, and causing hallucinations. It can also lead to seizures, put users into a coma that may end in death. Symptoms of Jimson Weed poisoning begin within half an hour to an hour after eating the plant and the hallucinatory effects and other symptoms, including a high fever and blurred vision, can last for up to one or two days. Jimson Weed belongs to the nightshade or datura family of toxic plants. Also known as Devil’s Weed, Sacred Thorn Apple, Devil’s Apple, Mad Apple, and by various other names. The plant grows in waste places, most often in sandy soil, and may be mista- ken as a large shrub-like herbaceous weed,




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