The Alleynian 705 2017

One popular activity featured a ventriloquist

We got out there and had a go

A different nation’s flag was raised each day of Dulwich Linguistic

I was lucky enough to experience almost all of the interesting and interactive activities that were held during the week. It helped that I was part of the Barrios Ensemble, which mainly played Spanish and Brazilian music. This linked in nicely with the upcoming week, as we were to do a flash mob around the Junior and Lower School. This was a great experience to share with the younger years and it was wonderful to see the smiles on their faces. Next for the Ensemble was the Spanish night, which, like the flash mob, was a lot of fun. We performed in the Great Hall in front of parents and teachers. All the students performing had the most amazing musical talent. Moving on to the main part of the week, I managed (quite easily) to complete the six stamps that were needed to claim the tie. The great thing about this was that it gave us an incentive to get out there and have a go at things. On Monday I went to the Tour de Dulwich to watch some of the older boys take on each other on bikes in the Lower Hall, which was very entertaining. Then there was a language booth, on every day, in which you could tell the camera a phrase that you liked, what it meant and why you liked it, and the recording could then be accessed on the internet. I thought this was a great idea as people could now use these phrases in daily speech – in fact, I liked the idea so much I went twice. Another major activity was Kung Fu in the Lower Hall, which was great fun to watch and also to do. Less active but definitely more tasty was crepe making in the North Cloisters – the Nutella was very good. Dulwich Linguistic was a great week for learning and discovery and for gaining an insight into the many weird and wonderful languages of the world. MM


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