Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201801



Teaming up is one of the best steps you can take to achieve your goals. In fact, studies show that having an accountability partner is even more important than having a mentor! In Melaleuca, we’ve found that Marketing Executives who partner up have a significantly higher success rate than those who try to do it alone. Other studies show this is true for lifestyle changes, health improvements, and achieving lasting success in virtually any category.

Whether you’re trying to improve your health or build your business, you’ll find greater success taking daily action than you will doing a marathon session one day a week. Part of this is because daily action establishes a habit. You no longer have to fight a mental battle with yourself before you put on your gym shoes or pick up the phone. Instead, you simply follow your established routine. Consistently adding names to your contact list, setting appointments, and sharing the Melaleuca Overview are the precise consistent actions you need to take if you are serious about reaching your goals.



Don’t just write down what you want to have happen, write down how you will feel when it happens. If you want to lose weight, visualise the day when you reach your goal. For example, “It’s March 31. When I step on the scale in the morning, I am 10 pounds lighter. I feel great. My clothes fit better than ever. My family notices that my face looks thinner, and my friends tell me I look younger.” If your goal is to reach Senior Director, visualise yourself walking across stage at Convention 2018 as a new Senior Director. Is your heart pounding as you walk across the stage? Maybe you step off stage and see a text from your daughter telling you how proud she is. Build that moment out in your mind and then write it down. Keep it somewhere you will see it often and take the time to read it regularly.

It’s true what they say. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Five years ago, I started doing CrossFit. I like the movements. They combine functional exercises from gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing, and more to help you improve your fitness in ways that benefit you every day. I like how my accountability partner, Sam, challenges me to do more than I ever thought I could. I like how supportive the CrossFit community is to me. I like how every workout is an opportunity to get just a little bit better than the day before. And most of all, I like how every workout gets me way out of my comfort zone. That’s the point. Having a goal that challenges you and stretches you is part of the reason why you set goals in the first place. We often let external factors be our excuse for not reaching our goals when in most cases we stop ourselves before we even start. Here’s a tip: If the goal you’re thinking of scares you and makes your palms sweaty, you’re close. Break through your own beliefs about what is possible. Whether it’s a food diary, a contact list, or a financial log, virtually every goal you take on will benefit from recording and reviewing your progress. Tracking helps identify weak points in your action plan. It helps you acknowledge the true amount of effort you’re putting towards your goal and allows you to better adjust and plan for the future. When you combine tracking with reporting to your accountability partner, it adds an extra layer of positive social pressure that motivates you and encourages choices that will move you closer to your goal. And make it visible. Post a note on your bathroom mirror. Take a photo and make it the screen saver on your smartphone. TRACK YOUR PROGRESS


Few things will kill joy and stop your progress as fast as comparison. It doesn’t matter how fast anyone else advances to Senior Director or loses five pounds. As long as you keep doing the activities that are proven to work (like the Critical Activities) , you are going to achieve success. It might happen faster or slower than those around you. That’s okay. Other people’s success has no reflection on you, your abilities, or your potential. Stay focused on YOU , your goals, and your pace. It’s your life.



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