Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201801

To quote Lisa Nichols, “When

your clarity meets your

John F Kennedy once said “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” Leaders like new Executive Director 3, Sharlene Lesa, never stop learning because they know life never stops teaching. “My journey from Director to Senior Director to Executive Director was a journey of learning, development and problem solving where it was crucial to remain focused on the Mission Statement of the company, to build relationships with people, and help them reach their goals,” says Sharlene. “Furthermore, I knew I had a responsibility to educate and inform people on safer alternatives to the products they were used to purchasing in stores.” One thought leader that has inspired Sharlene is Lisa Nichols, who transformed her own life from public assistance for her family to leading a multi-million dollar enterprise. “I saw many parallels between Lisa’s life and mine, and I thought if she could break free from poverty and lacking to a life of abundance, then so could I. Anyone can with the right mindset, belief and determination. What we do with our gifts determines our life experience.” conviction, and you add action to the equation, your world will begin to transform before your eyes.”

Day to day, Sharlene goes through her contact list, adding names to it, setting appointments and doing those things consistently, so that her calendar is always full with presentations, enrolments and training of new business builders. “I forget about myself and focus on the Melaleuca mission of helping others reach their goals. That has not changed since I started building my Melaleuca business. Leadership by example is all about helping, guiding, supporting, and teaching.” Sharlene’s income has given her options and choices in life, as well as peace of mind because she no longer worries about bills in her mailbox. Her income has also allowed her to support her favourite non-profit organisations that help the homeless and the poor.

With a goal to become the first National Director in Australia and New Zealand in the next 12 months, Sharlene says the strongest basis for anyone’s success is knowing their “why” and believing in themselves. To quote Lisa Nichols, “When your clarity meets your conviction, and you add action to the equation, your world will begin to transform before your eyes.” “When I caught the vision of the blessings that I would receive from this company, my vision was clear and I was committed and I truly have seen my life transform into something better and bigger than it was 12 months ago. I’m truly grateful to my Heavenly Father for my many blessings and for giving me this vehicle and allowing me the opportunity to bless the lives of other people.”


senior director Real income enhancing lives

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