Climate Change Event - Liability Forecast to 2050 FB


Turning up the heat in the boardroom from now to “net zero”

An interactive seminar highlighting critical considerations for NEDs, Executive Directors, Company Secretaries and General Counsel as they navigate climate risk and build resilience in the decades ahead. Action on climate change will require a fundamental re-wiring of the world economy. Businesses that don’t anticipate and adapt to the carbon shock that’s coming will find themselves exposed. Those that do adapt could profit massively.

Hosted by Clyde & Co, in association with Willis Towers Watson and Chapter Zero – the Directors’ Climate Forum, the event addressed a board-level audience and outlined key recent developments and future considerations in regards to climate change which could impact businesses in the coming decades. The event was comprised of three parts: 1. an overview of the current physical

and transition risk landscape, and how this is translating into trends in climate change litigation

2. an interactive climate risk scenario in which delegates were the "Board" of a fictional company, and voted live on key climate risk-related decisions the company needed to make over a 30 year period 3. a panel discussion of senior executives from Tesco, the Financial Reporting Council, the Adaptation Committee on Climate Change, and Willis Towers Watson on current standards of care, changing thresholds and what may be next for companies impacted by climate change – and how liability risk might evolve.

Nigel Brook, Clyde & Co

This assessment of the realities facing businesses across all geographies and in all sectors set the scene for an interactive event aimed at bringing the issues around climate risk to life in a practical and thought-provoking way.

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