UWSP School of Education Scholarship Banquet 2022 Booklet

YULGA FAMILY FUTURE TEACHER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Recipient: Tristan Persson Major: Natural Science Minor: Biology Established in 2007 by surviving brothers Fred and Jim, this scholarship commemorates the relationship between the Yulga family, UW-Stevens Point and the teaching profession. Their late father Bernard attended Central State Teachers College (UWSP) and graduated with a degree in chemistry. Mona, their late mother, attended UWSP, then graduated with an education degree from UW- Whitewater. Late brother Don graduated with a degree in biology and computer information systems. Fred graduated with a bachelor’s in chemistry and master’s in education. Fred’s son, Brian, graduated with a degree in physics and mathematics. Jim graduated with a degree in biology and computer information systems. Many of the degrees earned have included teaching certification or have led to teaching positions. The family has spanned the educational system – teaching at high school, technical college, and university levels. As such, the family has been dedicated to influencing lives. As we all know, teachers make a difference. ERMA HAFERBECKER SCHOLARSHIP Recipient: Megan Rheaume-Brand Master’s Program - Family and Consumer Sciences Education This award is made possible by Dr. Gordon Haferbecker in memory of his wife Erma. Dr. Haferbecker was a UWSP graduate and economist who worked at the college for many years as a faculty member, vice president and acting president.


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