SRA Corporate Plan 2020-2024 A4 WEB


The Southern Region

Publishing the first Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy for the Southern Region.

Successfully delivering €1.6 billion in combined funds (€780m ERDF) to the S&E Region by managing three S&E Regional Programmes.

2. Functions

Participating in 6 EU projects

Overseeing First Level Control auditing of Irish partner budget spend worth approx. €26.5m to European Territorial Cooperation (incl. Interreg) partners. Raising the profile of the regional agenda through over 400 submissions to policy development and planning at local, national and EU level.

bringing expertise on key topics from other European regions to benefit the Southern Region.

Successfully implementing a fully remote and online working opportunity across the organisation.

Supporting the successful participation of Irish organisations in more than 104 Interreg projects through Interreg NWE, Interreg Europe & the Ireland Wales Programme.

54 Assembly meetings

held with our Members as the regional tier of government.

Southern Regional Assembly | Corporate Plan 2020-2024

Southern Regional Assembly | Corporate Plan 2020-2024



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