SRA Corporate Plan 2020-2024 A4 WEB



Assembly Members

Regional Planning The Regional Assembly has a statutory role in relation to regional spatial planning and economic development of the Southern Region. • Preparation, adoption and implementation of the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES); • Oversight role for the preparation of Local Economic & Community Plans, the preparation of statutory submissions and Development Plan Variations. The RSES is a 12-year strategic regional development framework to guide change at regional level, for the way our society, environment, economy, and the use of land should evolve. As the regional tier of the national planning process, the RSES supports the delivery of Project Ireland 2040, the National Planning Framework (NPF) and the National Development Plan 2018-27 (NDP) and ensures coordination between the City and County Development Plans and Local Enterprise and Community Plans of the local authorities in the Region.

Our 33 Assembly Members represent our constituent 10 local authorities at regional level. Our constituent local authorities appoint 27 Members and a further six are nominated due to their representative role on the Committee of the Regions. They meet monthly to discuss issues related to regional economic and spatial planning, EU programme management and statutory issues related to the Assembly functioning. They also sit on committees related to the monitoring of EU programmes, such as the Ireland Wales Programme and the S&E Regional Programme.

Southern Regional Assembly Members

Strategic Planning Area South-East

Strategic Planning Area South-West

Strategic Planning Area Mid-West

The RSES is primarily driven at the local level by our Members, local authorities, and stakeholders from the public, private and third sectors, including individuals who have shaped this shared strategy.

Committee of the Regions Representatives – Southern Region

The EU’s assembly of local and regional representatives, the Committee of the Regions (CoR) informs the development of EU legislation and future European policies focusing on that most greatly affect regions and cities. The Government nominates the Irish CoR delegation of nine representatives and 9 alternates from the local authorities who subsequently are nominated to the Regional Assemblies - six of which represent the Southern Region.

2. Enhanced Regional Accessibility

3. Strengthened Rural Economies and Communities

4. Sustainable Mobility

5. A Strong Economy

Creative and Innovative Region

Green Region

8. Low Carbon, Climate Resilient and Sustainable Society

6. High-Quality International Connectivity

Liveable Region

9. Sustainable, Planned and Infrastructure-led Development

10. A Healthy and Learning Region

1. Compact Growth

11. Inclusive International Region

7. Diversity, Language, Culture and Heritage Enhancement

Southern Regional Assembly | Corporate Plan 2020-2024

Southern Regional Assembly | Corporate Plan 2020-2024



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