Kalendar Magazine 2018-19


Ballymore has an unrivalled reputation for visionary thinking in transforming urban landscapes. Since its establishment in 1982, Ballymore has devised and built award-winning developments that have made a positive impact on integral quarters within the UK and Ireland’s cities, including Dublin Landings and Embassy Gardens in London. The developer has become renowned for taking on previously dismissed or overlooked parcels of land and kick-starting them into hugely successful go-to destinations through a combination of independent thinking, creative vision, and a commitment to the highest quality. SeanMulryan – Ballymore’s Chairman and CEOof more than 35 years – has not only left his mark on the UK and Ireland’s residential and commercial real estate sectors. As one of Ireland’s most passionate horse racing fans, Sean has been one of the sport’s LjǩǠǠǓșȠșȣȒȒȅȖȠǓȖșঀ^Ǔƺǿঢ়șƺȒȒȖȅƺljǦȠǦƺȠǦƺșǏǓЙǿǓǏ Ballymore’s success in development has also been applied to the racecourse, which he strongly believes is a place where dreams can be made. The Novices’ Hurdle at Cheltenham is the most important race of its kind and was an obvious choice for Ballymore’s sponsorship. The contest provides the perfect platform for up-and-coming talent on the big stage, as the time to shine for the next generation. Akin to Ballymore’s commitment to its own business, jockeys in the race prove that the right values, ability and encouragement can lead to big opportunities. Last year’s race was a classic example of this, withMichael O’Leary’s Gordon Elliot- trained horse, Samcro, taking the crown. “Samcro’s victory last year was a fantastic achievement, and it was great to see a teambacked by Irish business do well” says Sean. “While Samcro is a great horse, he would not have won without the hard work of Gordon Elliot and his team, jockey Jack Kennedy, and the continued support of EǩljǦƺǓǹKঢ়@ǓƺȖΡঀ^ǓǓǩǿǠȠǦǩșȒƺΡǩǿǠȅА ǩșǓΠƺljȠǹΡȠǦǓ reason why Ballymore sponsors the Novices’ Hurdle at Cheltenham.”

Sean Mulryan and Michael O’Leary celebrate Samcro’s win in the 2018 Ballymore Novice’s Hurdle

innovative deal with the US Embassy has served as a catalyst for the redevelopment of wider Nine Elms.

has been the brand’s independent thinking. The company was founded by Sean in 1982, and it remains a privately-owned business built on family values. This enables Ballymore to pursue its vision in a way that other developers can’t, which often means making bold steps to bring the Ballymore vision to life in the most unexpected places. This same independent thinking and focus on the end goal is absolutely essential to successfully rearing and training a Ballymore Novices’ Hurdles winner. The jockey spirit of dreaming big and achieving șȣljljǓșșȠǦȖȅȣǠǦǦƺȖǏΛȅȖǷǩșȖǓМǓljȠǓǏƺljȖȅșș Ballymore’s residential and commercial portfolio. The company has consistently thought ahead of the curve and focused on creating trends – not following them - which has resulted in unique, ǹƺǿǏǾƺȖǷǏǓΚǓǹȅȒǾǓǿȠșȠǦƺȠȖǓǏǓЙǿǓȠǦǓǩǏǓǿȠǩȠΡ of an area. London City Island, for example, sawBallymore create an entirely new district for London, where the River Lea meets the Thames, which saw a major new piece of infrastructure installed in the formof what has become an iconic pedestrian bridge for east London, and new homes for cultural institutions EnglishNational Ballet and London Film School. At Embassy Gardens, south of the River Thames, Ballymore carved out a pioneering vision for a former industrial area, which thanks to an

Ballymore’s expertise extends beyond residential-led projects. At Snowhill in Birmingham they created two award-winning buildings to reinvent an area of the city as the premier business location, and at Old ^ȒǩȠƺǹЙǓǹǏșEƺȖǷǓȠƺǹǹΡǾȅȖǓșȣljljǓșșǟȣǹǹΡȒȖǓșǓȖΚǓǏ the creative character and charmof a treasured London location, whilst introducing much-needed modern design, technology and building materials. This is the same approach that winning breeders take - pursuing a successful and adaptable vision to keep them ahead of the competition. Sean comments: “Supporting Cheltenham and the Novices Hurdle is a passion project. The teams’ and jockeys’ commitment to the sport is a huge source of inspiration. Achieving the kind of success that Samcro did this year is a result of talented people working together andmoving as one, and this is exactly what we are trying to achieve at Ballymore. There are a lot of parallels between business and racing; passion, dedication, and assembling the right people are essential to success in both. “Ballymore is hugely grateful for the opportunity to sponsor the Novice’s Hurdle, and we look forward to supporting rising talent in racing for years to come.”

Key to Ballymore’s success in property development

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