CCP Agent Guide

POLICY REINSTATEMENT Policyholders may request to have his/her policy reinstated within 90 days of the policy paid to date The policyholder must call the Customer Service Department to request a Reinstatement Application The application must be completed by the applicant and returned to the company within the 90 day period A letter will accompany the Reinstatement Application specifying the due date All underwriting requirements must be met before the policy can be reinstated If the application is eligible for reinstatement, a letter will be mailed to the policyholder indicating the amount of premium due to bring the policy current The total amount due must be received by the company within 15 days of the date of this letter If the funds are not received, the reinstatement process will cease and the policy will remain in lapse status A new business application will be required for consideration If a policy Reinstatement Application is declined, notification will be sent in writing If coverage was voluntarily cancelled by the policyholder, the policy is not eligible to be reinstated and a new application will be required APPLICATION ASSISTANCE If you have any questions about the application or about how to answer any of the questions on the application, please call Manhattan Life at 1-800-999-2971 APPLICATION STATUS For your convenience, you may access wwwmanhattanlife com at any time to verify the processing status of a submitted application APPLICATION STATUS CODES Data Entry In the process of being keyed into the computer system Pending Info Missing items identified during data entry Pend Agt Appt Application processed, but pending agent appointment Underwriting Health history review Pending PHI Pending telephone interview with applicant Active Policy approved Withdrawn Application closed Declined Not eligible for coverage



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