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GABRIELLE VINETTE gabrielle.vinette@eap.on.ca
Mayor Pierre Leroux is looking to sub- sidize the fees for the Russell Township sports dome’s walking and running track with funds from the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR) com- munity investment fund. On the last council meeting of the UCPR on Feb. 28, Mayor Leroux brought forward a demand for the Township of Russell to receive $30,000 to eliminate the track’s fee requirements for the next nine months of 2024. The opportunity for collaborative enhancement of community resources “aligns with our shared goals of fostering active lifestyles, promoting inclusivity and enhancing community well-being”, said Leroux in the application. Leroux said, also in the application for UCPR funding, that removing the financial barrier of a paid membership “ensures eq- uitable access for all residents, irrespective of socioeconomic status, fostering a more inclusive and cohesive community fabric.” Over the past five years, the township has generated approximately $40,000 in annual revenue from track memberships -- the same amount offered to municipalities through each year through the community investmtent fund. With the elimination of the paid membership, the new funding
Le maire de Russell, Pierre Leroux, demande 30 000 $ pour le reste de l’année 2024 et 40 000 $ pour 2025 et 2026 au canton de Russell. (Photo d’archives)
years. Russell Township hopes subsidizing the membership fees will increase commu- nity engagement and promote the benefits of physical activity and wellness.
counterbalances the revenue, expanding access to the track for Russell residents. In the application, Leroux said he will likely apply for the funding again in subsequent
Access fees currently range from $5 a visit to $82.50 a year for residents and $137.50 for non residents.
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