2.9 Million College Students Engage In Waste Competition Across more than 200 college campuses in 43 states, mil- lions of students participated in the 2021 Campus Race to ZeroWaste competition,where they helped to reduce their waste footprint through waste minimization efforts, and the donation, composting, and recycling of more than 25.5 mil- lion pounds of waste. Due to COVID-19 pandemic closings and increased on- line learning, many Campus Race to Zero Waste campuses were unable to reach the success levels accomplished in past years. However,campuses unable to track and report their waste were encouraged to host online education and engagement campaigns. These online campaigns helped schools stay connected with their faculty, staff and students and encourage the con- tinued practices of good, safe waste reduction practices. Despite these difficult circumstances, this year’s tourna- ment engaged 2.4 million students and more than 500,000 faculty and staff for a total of 2.9 million participants. Participating colleges and universities donated, compost- ed and recycled 25.8 million pounds of waste, and kept more than 230 million plastic containers out of the land- fill. In eight weeks, participants prevented the release of 30,669 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent into the atmosphere, which is equal to avoiding the annual emis- sions from 6,463 cars.

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