King's Business - 1936-05


the Institu te is to become an indigenous pa rt of Christian activ ity in China in p reparing young Chinese fo r service for Christ in the ir own land. To fu rth e r prom o te this object, a Board o f M anagers composed o f p rom inen t Chinese Christians and foreign missionaries is being organized in China. God has blessed this w o rk greatly in the past, and its fu tu re is assured by th e f a i t h and p r a y e r s o f G od ’s people Am erica and China. in DEPARTMENTS 1. BIBLE SCHOOL— A three -year course o f Bible study in methods of Christian w o rk is offered to those who desire p reparation for the w o rk of pastors, evangelists, Bible women, or lay workers. The need fo r tho rough ly trained

: Rsv. Chi.;-.laaA»Höberiè» .'"Sibili Instituts of Lo» Angel»», S58 Soàth Hope Street, Los Angola®, ‘lodiio-rnife, §:«f

FRANK A. KEL- LER, M.D., Super* ¡¡§j| intendenf of the Hunan Bible In- \ stitute, is shown above. An urgent '

air-mail letter just received from Dr. Keller states the pressing need for funds, and the need of further information for the Chinese students regarding whether the school shall open in the fall.

PERTINENT POINTS 1. PRAY— T h a t the en tire Institu te p lan t in China, the gift o f those fine Christian lay­ men, Lym an and M ilton S tewart, en tirely free from deb t and encumbrances, b u t w ith no en ­ dowm en t o f any sort, shall con tinue its usefu l­ ness in the fu ture. 2. CONSIDER:—W he the r or no t the fine facu lty , bu ilt up th rough the years, shall be dis­ banded . The breakdown o f this wonderfu l o rgan ization is precisely w ha t is impending from a lack o f funds. 3. REQU IREMENTS — T e n t h o u s a n d dollars to suppo rt the missionaries and Chinese staff fo r ano th e r school year, beg inn ing Sep­ tem ber 1, 1936. 4. SUGGEST ION— A m issionary church o r o rgan ization m ay have a vital p a rt in the tra in ing o f young people in China by the sup ­ p o rt o f an individual teacher or evangelist for as little as $200 .00 a year. 5. W R ITE— T o the Execu tive Secretary fo r fu rth e r lite ra tu re and in fo rm ation regarding th is im po rtan t w o rk . o f preparing young Chinese fo r definite Christian se rv ice : CHARLES A. ROBERTS, Exec. Sec.

Hunan Bible Institute 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.A. HISTORY

T h e H un an Bible Institu te is an in terde­ nom inational In stitu te operating in central China, organized th rough the endeavors o f Dr. F rank A . Keller, for yea rs a member o f the China Inland Mission. T h e cen tral object of

1. Graduating class, 1935. 2. Faculty and staff.

3. Faculty and student body.

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