King's Business - 1936-05

ITE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED £ DOORS OPEN ANOTHER 0 Forward? | leaders in a fast-grow ing church is so great tha t each yea r finds th e school’s g raduating class fill­ ing im po rtan t positions in various Missions in all parts o f the coun try .


2. CORRESPONDENCE COURSE— The Scofield Correspondence Course has been tran s­ lated into Chinese. A nd in these days o f un rest in China, w ith th e difficulties o f travel and poverty , th is course w ith its nearly one thou ­ sand enrolled studen ts is m eeting a real need. Every province in China is represen ted am ong the studen ts, and some o f the pupils are enrolled from the United States. 3. BIMONTHLY MAGAZ INE — This magazine, Evangelism, has been received w ith

PAUL W . ROOD, President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, strongly indorses the work of the Hunan Bible Institute and its publication, "Evangelism,'1 the bi­ monthly magazine printed in Chinese.

enthusiasm in all pa rts of China and abroad w here Chinese reside. It is unquestionab ly the finest magazine of its kind published in the Chinese language. Its subscription list is one of th e largest, and it is rapidly growing. 4. E V A N G E L IS T IC B A N D S— T h e s e Bands, a separate departm en t of the work, carry on a systematic and w idespread evangelism th rough the whole year in unevangelized dis­ tricts of various evangelical missions who de­ sire the ir help. Many self-supporting churches have been started th rough the m in istry of these bands.



Please find herew ith enclosed $.................................................... , a s a donation to w ard keeping open th e doors of th e In stitu te in China in th e school y ear of 1936-3 7. I am in terested also in the follow­ ing item s. Please send m e definite inform ation concerning th e m a tte rs checked. □ S upport of a teach er on th e faculty. □ S upport of an evangelist. □ S upport of a stu d en t. □ The lite ra ry w ork— th e m agazine, p o sters, an d tra c t d is tri­ bution.

□ Scofield C orrespondence C ourse Fund. □ Student an d new spaper evangelism . □ R em em bering th e In stitu te in the future in m y will.


S tree t N um ber.

C ity...........

S tate.

4. Student evangelistic band preaching in a Chinese courtyard. 5. Leaders of Biola evangelistic bands with Dr. Keller.

D ate..

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