King's Business - 1936-05


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

May, 1936

had been left to guard it, for Jesus’ enemies knew that Jesus had said that He would rise again. Could a stone and some soldiers hold back God? No, of course not, for Jesus was the Son of God, you know. L e s s o n S t o r y : How wonderful it is

“Though Himself no more we see, Comfortless we cannot be; No, His Spirit still is ours, Quickening all our powers.” Points and Problems The lesson in Luke 24:36-53 reveals many interesting and instructive things about the resurrection body of our Lord. Remembering that we are to be “like him,” let us note several points. 1. Its Reality. Although a spiritual body, it is a genuine body, not merely a spirit (vs. 37, 39). Our Lord demonstrated its reality by almost every test known to sense experience. The disciples saw the body, heard it speak, and handled it. John was there, and sixty years later described the experience in 1 John 1:1. 2. Its Structure. It is made of “flesh and bones” (v. 39). We do not forget that Paul says that “flesh and blood” cannot in­ herit the kingdom of God, but “flesh and bones” is something else. The skeptic may sneer at the notion of a body of “flesh” in a spiritual heaven, but Paul reminds him that “all flesh is not the same flesh.” God who made the flesh of birds to live in the; air, and the flesh of fishes to live in the water, can also make flesh fitted for the celestial regions (cf. 1 Cor. 15:39, 40). 3. Its Identity. The body in which our Lord rose was the same body in which He suffered and died. There could be no other point to His gracious command, “Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself” (v. 39). They were His hands and feet; the very marks of suffering were still pres­ ent to convince the doubting Thomases. And likewise, we shall have our own bodies in the resurrection, “fashioned like unto his glorious body” (Phil. 3:21). 4. Its Functions. Although the resur­ rection body needs no material food to sustain its life, yet our Lord eats “before them” (v. 43). There is a fellowship in eating together which will be carried even into the kingdom of God (Rev. 19:9). 5. Its Power. Doors and walls are no barrier (v. 36). Similarly, it defies the law of gravitation (v. 51). Golden Text Illustration It was inspiring as well as amusing to note the case of a Negro in Atlanta the day after Bobby Jones, of that city, won his fourth major golf championship, a vic­ tory never before accomplished by any player. This Negro, much dejected, was in court for parking overtime, and gave the judge his name, which was Bobby Jones. “Is that .really your name?” asked the judge. “Yes, sir.” “Then the case is dismissed,” said his honor. “I can’t fine a man with that name, today of all days.” Every Christian has taken upon himself the Name that is above every name. What does that Name mean to us? What, through us, does it mean to the world? —Devotional Year-Book, by A m o s R. W ells , published by the W. A. Wilde Co. Jesus Goes Home to Heaven L u k e 24: 36-53 Memory Verse: “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). Approach : In our story last week, we had just reached the part that told of how the body of Jesus had been buried in a tomb. A stone had been rolled by many soldiers in front of the entrance, and they

CHINA'S HELPLESS THREATENED With famine, flood and foreign aggression. Rescue the perishing by giving aid to the HOME OF ONESIPHORUS Taian, Shantung, China Largest Christian orphanage in the Orient Here’s a faith work caring for the fatherless, feeding the destitute, binding up the wounds of the downtrodden in the heart of China. We appeal to you for help in this work of Christ’s mercy. Write today for free booklet, “Helping China’s Helpless” Address: H OM E OF O N ESIPH O RU S, American Office Drawer II 2811 North Racine Ave. Chicago, Illinois

that this story does not stop with Jesus in the grave! That was only a part of what He was to show the people. That part tells us how sin kills our bodies and separates us from God. But when Jesus took our iins on His body and died for us, He showed us that now we need no longer re­ main dead and separated from God. The grave could not keep Jesus. He arose from the dead on the third day, just as He had said that He would. Then, since many of His friends would not understand how one that is dead could rise again, He stayed on this earth a little while longer and showed Himself to His friends. Then, when they knew it was indeed Jesus who had risen from the dead, and that they, too, would rise again, He showed them what would happen next—that they would go to be with the heavenly Father. One day He led them out of the city to a hill, and there He left them and went back to heaven to be with the Father. And Jesus’ disci­ ples at death shall go to be with God, too. There is nothing to fear, then, when one dies. If we believe that Christ died for us, we know that He arose and went back to heaven, and that we, too, shall join Him there to be with God. '0 / V l 6 » 0 *

“I regard Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, as an outstanding Christian ed­ ucational institution, with highest scho­ lastic standards. It is an ideal place for parents to send their children, know­ ing they will not lose faith in the Christian religion, nor be contaminated with socialistic or communistic teach­ ings.” A llan C. E mery , Wool M erchant, Trustee of W heaton College, Boston, M ass.

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“Outstanding S UCH statements as the above, from one who is both a parent of W h eato n stu d en ts : a n d a su p p o rter o f th e C ollege as w ell, express th e com m o n sen tim en t. W h eato n ’s stan d fo r an aggres­ sive C h ristian fa ith is so so u n d th a t W h eato n ’s frien d s ten d to sp eak of it in superlatives. A life an n u ity co n tract w ith W h eato n C ol­ lege is therefore a very conservative invest­ m en t. It is issued a t an y age, an d fo r any a m o u n t fro m $ 10 0.00 u p w ard . I t m akes you y o u r o w n executor. I t saves th e tim e an d tro u b le o f m ak in g o r ch an g in g a w ill. It is in h eritan ce-tax free, yet provides fo r a su rvivor if desired. Write jor complete details.

Object Lesson A C u p a n d a C row n

Objects: A black cup, a red cardboard cross,- and a golden paper crown. (If a black glass cup cannot be secured, either paint one or cover one with black paper. The crown can be made easily by using a band of paper, narrowed at the back and notched at the front. String the cross and the crown on a thread, and place them in the cup.) Lesson: Perhaps this is the strangest- looking cup you have ever seen. I am afraid you would not like to drink from it. It is the black cup of death. This cup re­ minds me of the cup to which Christ re­ ferred in the Garden of Gethsemane, about which we had a lesson recently. Christ said: “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless, not my will, but thine, be done.” For Christ to say “Thy will be done,” meant death on the cross of Calvary. As I pull this string, a red cross comes out of the cup. How thankful we should be to Christ for saying “Thy will be done,” and for shedding His blood on the cross for us! Christ tasted death for every man. He shed His blood on Calvary that all who

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W heaton College, W heaton, Illinois. Please tell me, w ithout obligation, how I may provide an income for life, for myself or a

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