King's Business - 1936-05


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

May, 1936

In the case of the Ephesian mob, we read the terse statement : “Some therefore cried one thing, and some another: for the assembly was confused; and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together” (Acts 19:32). What an illumi­ nating comment on mob strategy I All too often there is this ignorance and uncer­ tainty, making the mob doubly dangerous. It was indeed a fortunate thing for Ephesus that day that the town clerk had enough of the confidence of these men to enlist their attention to some sound advice: “The law is open, and there are deputies: let them implead one another. But if ye inquire any thing concerning other matters, it shall be determined in a lawful assem­ bly.” None of us knows how soon the need may arise for a similar manifestation of poise and of a sense of justice. As a “Christian Endeavorer,” ask your­ self the question: “How shall I act toward mob violence ?”; Turning to the Word of God, you can find principles for your decision. Perhaps your conclusion will be something like this: “If I would act as Christ would have me do, I must let Him produce in me that ‘fruit of the Spirit’ which is ‘love’ and ‘self-control.’” It is at the testing time that our real heart atti­ tudes are revealed. Victory over anger comes through a habitual yielding to the gentle influence of the Holy Spirit. And love for our righteous God necessarily stirs in us a love of justice for our fellow men. In one of his political campaigns, Lloyd George was speaking in a hall in Wales when a brick crashed through the window and fell at his feet on the stage. Slowly the witty Welshman stooped and picked it up. Holding it high above his head, he dramatically exclaimed, “Behold the only argument of our opponents 1” One thinks of the poverty of a religion that crucified Jesus and stoned Stephen. It seems incredible. Religion, what crimes have been committed in thy name! Think of the persecutors of the Huguenots, of the burning of witches. Stephen was the first Christian martyr. Ere long he was followed by a multitude of others. In fact, the early Christians under the Roman per­ secution endured the most dreadful tor­ tures gladly, counting it joy to suffer be­ cause their Lord had suffered. One of the strangest things, as we look over the past centuries and trace the his-' tory of God’s people, is the vision of so many persecuted ones, so many of the prophets and saints suffering as martyrs. The sky is full of these shining stars. —Peloubefs Notes. II. M ore t h a n C ourage 1. I saw an angry crowd Gathered about a youth, that loud Were crying: Slay him, slay And stoned him as he lay. I saw him overborne by death, That bowed him to the earth beneath; Only he made his eyes Gates to behold the skies. To his high Lord his prayer outpouring. Forgiveness for his foes imploring; Even in that pass his face For pity making place. S J —D a n t e . Helps for the Leader I. T h e W e a k n e s s of V iolence

BOOK ON War, Communism and Prophecy Titled . . . “The Program of Peace” By Joseph Taylor Britan, D.D., Introduction by Charles G. Trumbull, Litt. D. With all the world agog, and at a time PEACE is the talk of millions, the intelligent mind will welcome this timely book. The author shows the cause of WAR, attempts at PEACE, the Philosophy of Nationalism and Internation­ alism, the menace of Communism, the approach of Armageddon and God's PROGRAM OP PEACE. Favorably reviewed by S. S. Times, Moody Monthly, Evangelical Christian and others. Dr. H. A. Ironside says, “ It stands out in vivid contrast to the ill-considered and illusory programs of the pacifist, modern churches and the communistically inclined social movements of the day. Brother-preacher, read this book and fall in line with the divine program therein set forth." 172 Pages Cloth Binding Good Paper Artistic Cover Jacket Only ,$1.00 Postpaid Fundamental Truth Publishers : : : : : : Findlay, Ohio

w Round-Up for God Goes On

LEONARD EILERS, cowboy, now riding the range for God. “— Nothing New U nder the Sun,” But Here is Something Different. A YOUNG MAN — TH E OLD STORY — A UN IQU E WAY Hosts have been corralled for God, branded for the Heavenly Range by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. And many more have been helped to get back into the saddle for the Master of this Range—BECAUSE of the Round- Up for God. This is not a show, or something bizarre; but a sane, wholesome, win- some, and winning effort to reach folks, both young and old, for God. It is an endeavor to get everyone to "Ride for Jesus every single day.”


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“A S c h o o l T hat is Different*9

Wheaton College announces . • .

GRADUATE WORK For Teachers, Pastors, and Christian Workers, Beginning with the 1936 SUMMER SCHOOL Two Four-Week Terms: June 13 to July 10—July 11 to August 7 Wide Selection of Courses — Outstanding Teaching Staff Work Fully Accredited. Instruction in Music and Art. Field Trip to Black Hills, South Dakota FOR FREE CATALOG AND INFORMATION, ADDRESS: Director of the Summer School Box 266KB5 Wheaton, Illinois

2 . The London Missionary Society report quotes these words spoken by a Boxer in China in 1900: “I have been present at many an execu­ tion, and I want to ask two questions. First, what did the Christians mean, when kneeling and knowing what fate was to

P R O M I S E To Read and Keep Circulating Dr. R. A. T o rrey ’s “ How to P ray ,” a notable 128-page book, and receive copy fo r th is p u r­ pose, FREE. BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASSN. 8437 No. W ells S t. îî :: Chicago, Illinois

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