King's Business - 1936-05

May, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


The “Christian Home Builder” “What’S*i‘in a name?” We hear that question sometimes and wonder. In some names there is a good deal of meaning. When we saw for the- first time the name Christian Home Builder, we were struck by it. We found it to he the title of a new publication issued by the Eye- Method Publishing Company, which also publishes the Graphic Guide, a three-year Bible course for young people that is being used now in many Sunday-schools and homes. The Christian Home Builder is designed to carry out its title. Consisting of eight pages monthly, it is easily read, and yet covers several important phases 'of Chris­ tian living. Emphasis is placed upon using the Bible daily, and one page each month is devoted to “The Christian Parents’ Fel­ lowship,” an organization of parents who really concern themselves about their chil­ dren’s spiritual training. Much mutual helpfulness can be gained thus. Then, too, there are many valuable articles and sug­ gestions which inspire and inform. Why could not such,an organization be as useful in America to Christian families as the Parent-Teachers’, Association is to the secular life? ■The subeription rate is but fifty cents per year for this well-illustrated publica­ tion, and the editors and publishers. Mr. and Mrs:Norman F. Turner, 1712-16 East 20th Street, Oakland, Calif.; gladly will send samples and information to persons who write for them. LESSON COMMENTARY [Continued from page 193] Lesson 12. “Jesus Goes Home to Heaven.” Jesus has made heaven our home, too.

Preliminary A nnouncem ent Summ er B ib le C o n fe r e n c e of . . . T H E . . . BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES INCORPORATED at PACIFIC PALISADES ASSEMBLY GROUNDS August 24 — September 7, 1936 • • • Plans are rapidly maturing for the Second Annual Summer Bible Conference to be held under the auspices of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, at Pacific Pali­ sades, California. A busy committee, of which William G. Nyman, treasurer of the Institute, is chairman, is at work on program features which will appeal to Christian people everywhere. Among the speakers definitely engaged are Norman B. Harrison, pastor of the Oliver Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, Minn., and Louis T . Talbot, Vice-Presi­ dent of the Bible Institute. Watch the June issue of the KING’S BUSINESS for a more extended an­ nouncement. Plan to spend your vacation under Christian auspices in this beautiful loca­ tion where seaside recreation — fishing, boating, and m o t o r i n g — are easily available. • • • REASONABLE HOUSING ACCOMMODATIONS For a family of two, a ten-day vaca­ tion in one of the floored tents, including light, water, gas, blankets, linen, and housekeeping equipment, means an out­ lay of only $11.50. For twenty-one days, the rate would be #20.50. If three persons be included for the ten-day period, the cost is only #14.50; and for the twenty-one day period, #26.00. The only additional expenses would be the purchasing of provisions, as the tents are fully equipped for housekeeping. If preferred, reasonable meals may be ob­ tained at the near-by cafe or local res­ taurant. There are, of course, more elaborate ac­ commodations, including rustic casitas and artistically furnished cabins, at slightly higher prices. PacificPalisades ConferenceComite

T h e Quality M agazine o f the W est CALIFORNIA ARTS & ARCHITECTURE Illustrating with beautiful halftone reproductions the cultural progress of California — houses, interiors, gardens, furnishings, antiques. Secure a copy from your news dealer 25c a copy :: 52.50 a year California A rts 8C A rch itectu re Did you ever stop to realize that Jesus Christ came into this world ¡Worder that He might die on itihS cross and mend broken human hearts ?."■; Here is a piece of red tape. We will mend the broken heart with it. It is red to remind us of the blood of Christ which cleanses from sin. Will one of you read the reference which is written on it ? It is 1 John 1:9.:'“ If we colifess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unright­ eousness.”^ ^ Another slip has Isaiah 1:18 printed on it : “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” While I am mending the other broken places, please read these verses: 1 John 1: 7, Isaiah S3:6, Psalm SI :7, and Hebrews 9 :22. If I were to remove these red pieces which speak of forgiveness through Christ, the heart would be broken again. We never should forget that Christ heals broken hearts by covering the break, made by sin, with His own precious blood. Christian Endeavor Tours Young pople who would like to have an unusual vacation spent in the company of Christian Endeavor leaders and their friends will be interested in the three per­ sonally conducted, all-expense tours that have been announced by Howard L. Brown, travel manager of the California Christian Endeavor Union. Two of the trips will be to Alaska—July 4 to 18 and August 8 to 24. The third annual Mexico tour is scheduled for July 8 to 22. The conducting of vacation tours and special train parties to Alaska and Mexico, as well as to State, International, and World C. E. Conventions, has given the travel department an excellent reputation in this field of service. On “C. E. Tours,” the times of fellowship and inspiration on shipboard, on trains and sight-seeing busses, and at some of the most beautiful and historic places in the world, are occa­ sions never to be forgotten. For every tour, the itinerary has been carefully pre­ pared by experienced leaders. Mr. Brown will accompany the parties, and, with cither officials, will be personally responsible for the welfare of the groups. The cost of each tour is approximately the same, about $10.00 a day. Reservations are being made now. A deposit of $10.00 is required, but this amount will be re­ funded if the applicant is unable to make the trip. For full information, write to Howard L. Brown, 301 Columbia Building, 313 W. Third St., Los Angeles, Calif. 2404 West 7th Street, Los Angeles 626 Mills Building, San Francisco

Object Lesson H e lpin g H u m a n H earts

Objects: A large paper heart cut in out­ line from wrapping paper, a pair of scis­ sors, and several pieces of gummed paper tape, colored with red crayons. (Various Bible references are to be printed On the pieces of tape. The paper outlining the heart should be the same width as the tape. Use several thumbtacks to fasten the heart to the wall.) Lessons : This is a nice-looking heart on the wall, isn’t it? Yes, but hearts do not stay nice-looking very long. The scissors of sin soon come and ruin the heart, just as these scissors cut the heart in several places. What are some of the sins which ruin the heart? “Swearing.” “Lying.” “Stealing.” “Hatred.” “Anger.” “Drinking whiskey.” “Smoking.” What are we going to do? This heart is broken in several places.

558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California

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