King's Business - 1936-05

100,000 Young Men Behind Prison Bars Need to Know—

That "Christ died for our sins" Prisons and reformatories are now crowded with young men. A great many of them have just started on the downward road; they have experienced that “the way of transgressors is hard.” Now is the time to give them the Good News that “Christ

Jesus came into the world to save sinners!” The D. L. MOODY PBISOY FUND Is Depleted! Since the Fund became exhausted no less than seventy-five workers have sent urgent pleas for Moody books and Scripture portions for several thousand prisoners. We cannot respond to their requests without help. W e must not leave these boys in their bondage to sin without showing the way of- deliverance.

A b o v e : Ma n y young men have left a place like this, new creatures in Christ, because somebody c a r e d for their souls.

Left: 'The written Word is needed to follow the spoken message!. O f t e n when a prisoner is a lo n e w ith th e s ile n t “preacher” the lig:ht of the Gospel s h in e s in.

W hat of the future of th e s e y o u n g l i v e s ? M o o d y books are waiting to point the better way to them.

W ill You H e lp T e ll Them o f t h e

Wonderful Saviour of Sinners ? $25.00 will provide Scripture portions and Moody books for a large prison. $10.00 will supply Scripture portions for a reformatory. $5.00 supplies a large jail. $1.00 furnishes about 50 Horton Gospels or Pocket Treasurys. A n y am ount thankfully received.

I N S P I R I N G E V I D E N C E S O F GOD’S B L E S S ING S Los Angeles, Calif.—The books you sent are in great demand among the prisoners, and many souls have found God, and have been led on in the Christian life through reading them. Many interesting stories of transformations and blessing wrought in the lives of the men come to our attention.—Rev. I. E. K. Knoxville, Tenn.—-We’ll never get through praising the Lord for your books—the printed page is a great power. A young man two weeks ago accepted the Lord Jesus through reading the Gospel of John.— L. L. G. Paterson, N . J.—We know many have been saved through these sound and pointed messages, and many others have been made to think deeply about the welfare of their souls.—-C. R. S. Globe, Ariz.—Very many favorable comments have been received concerning the helpful nature of the books you sent for the prisoners. One fellow who received a federal sentence and was sent to Tucson for eight months imprisonment said that the books had been a wonderful inspiration and blessing to him. Another man is so much blessed by them that he has taken it upon himself to aid in our efforts to distribute the books in the jail among those who show any interest and will read them. We believe the books have brought this brother to Christ, and now he is working to bring others to Him.—E. T. S.

TH E BIBLE IN ST ITU T E COLPORTAGE ASS’N, 810 No. Wells St., Chicago, 111.

Yes, I wish to help give the Gospel to Prisoners and enclose $............. .................-......

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The Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n 810 N. Wells St., Chicago, 111.

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