King's Business - 1931-10

A U nited S ta te s Senato r W rites to the Ed ito r "It has been my intention for some time to drop you a line expressing my appreciation o f your magazine, 'The K ing’s business. ’I t has seemed to me th a t it has been getting better from issue to issue. I marvel tha t you are able to p u t out so excellent a publication, while burdened w ith many other labors. ” IT IS A POPULAR VOTE AMONG OUR READERS THAT THE KING’S BUSINESS IS IMPROVING ALL THE TIME, ANDTHAT'TT MEETS THE NEED OFTHE PRESENT DAY.” WE ARE DOING OUR UTMOST TO GIVE YOU THE BEST. WILLYOU DO YOUR UTMOST TO SHARE THESE GOOD THINGS WITH OTHERS?

Here’s a Proposition th a t w i l l be


The K ing ’s Business at H a lf SEND US $3.00 AND FOUR NAMES AND ADDRESSES. WE WILL ENTER EACH ONE FOR A FULL YEAR’S SUBSCRIPTION. (Add 25c for each Canadian and Foreign Subscription)


TH E KING’S BUSINESS 536 S outh H ope S treet , L os A ngeles , C alif . Please find enclosed $3.00 for which send T he K ing ’ s B usiness for one year to each of the following: S ent by : N ame Uy ’.yfrViS&." A ddress .. 1. N a m e ___ T' ~________ A ddress _ 2. N ame ^ '.V ' H M M j ' fy U V U _____ _______ ADDRESS.. 3. N ame _____ iiiaMHBK LLL --____ __________________ __ A ddress - 4. N ame __■_____ ____ _______I_________ WJÊ ______ _____ _ A ddress ..

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