King's Business - 1931-10

What areThey Doing Now?

A graduate, as the Assistant Chris­ tian Educational Director in a leading Indian school of the west, watches over more than four hundred Indian girls! In a certain large city pastorate is a graduate who holds college, university, and seminary degrees. He says, "I have always been glad that I went to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles." You'll find graduates from the Insti­ tute most everywhere! They are in all kinds of places, wherever the Lord has need of them, on this continent and that, and on the islands of the seven seas! What are they doing? The answer is thrilling many a Christian heart and is prompting many a generous gift to the Institute. And why not? The Institute affords men and women an opportunity to pro­ cure a knowledge of the Bible, without expense, except incidental registration fee! After all is said and done, there is no knowledge as important and as vital as a knowledge of the Bible! To spread that knowledge is the mission and the purpose of the Institute!

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^ NOT infrequently this question is ^ asked concerning the more than fifteen hundred graduates of the Bible they doing? Well, they're carrying the Bible with them, and they're proclaim- ing its message of salvation through Here are two, husband and wife, missionaries, a thousand miles up the Amazon! Again, here are a husband and wife maintaining a rest home for missionaries in Brazil! Down in Rhodesia, South Africa, a graduate is m in iste ring in Christian fashion to the physical needs of an un- Up in Central California, a graduate is a "g roup mo the r" to thirteen Chinese boys! In the same vicinity, another graduate has been a mission- ary of the American Sunday School Union for more than twelve years! Two others, husband and wife, are teaching the gospel to Mexicans under the relentless sun of a western desert, while still another is supervisor and housekeeper in a girls' protective home in one of the nation's largest metro- Institute of Los Angeles! What are Jesus Christ! fortunate race. under her charge! She has a hospital

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