King's Business - 1931-10

October 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Discussion 1. Discjiss the subject of service. Is there any way of avoiding the ever-present danger of seeking to serve in our own might and by our own power? Is there any substitute for the daily revelation of God’s will for us as discovered by a rev­ erent study of the Bible and a daily pre­ sentation of our needs to Him in prayer? Discuss the proposition: “You can do more than pray after you have prayed: you can not do more than pray until you have prayed.” .2. There is in this passage the twofold lesson of divine guidance and divine pro­ vision for every need that arises. How often, in the midst of strenuous activity for the Lord, we toil on without results, only to have everything changed with the entrance of His directing power! Dis­ cuss this thought, using as a basis the passage in Zechariah: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” 3. In an indirect way, We have in this story a worth-while lesson in persever­ ance. While it is true that the fishing of the disciples brought no results during that long dark night, yet had they not per­ sisted and kept out in their boats until the morning came, they would have miss­ ed the blessing of the miracle performed by the Lord. Do we not often become dis­ couraged too easily? Are we necessarily in the wrong because we do not get imme­ diate results? In how far should the proverb be followed: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” ? 4, 5. One of the valuable lessons to be found in this chapter is in the thought that the disciples were so busy with their fishing that they failed to recognize the Lord. Is it not true that we often become so engrossed in working things out for ourselves that we do not recognize the hand of the Lord in the circumstances about us? The disciples were not expect­ ing to see Jesus, but why should they not expect to see Him ? He had arisen; He was alive; how could they doubt that He would be interested in their futile efforts? Are there not many times when we, like them, do not expect Him to be interested in the things which we are doing? Should we not invite Him into the everyday af­ fairs of our life? 6. Study Peter’s commission for ser­ vice : “Lovest thou me”—supreme devo­ tion ; “feed my lambs”—sacrificial ser­ vice. Is not this the commission of every true follower of Christ? Discuss the im­ plications found in the words, “lovest thou me?” What should be the measure of our love and the motive of our service? 7. What is the principle upon which John selected the material for his gos­ pel (v. 25; cf. 20:30-, 31)? Is this gospel merely a chronological record of the events of the life of Christ, or do you see in it a definite plan and purpose? As you come to the conclusion of the study of the Gospel of John, are you convinced in your own mind that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God? And do you believe that, through His name, you can have life ever­ lasting? Are you willing to make this liv­ ing Son of God your Saviour and the Lord of your life?

SAFE IN COM E FO R LIFE M rs.B .E .M . o f New York

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