King's Business - 1931-10

October 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


only be audible to my calm; the harmony of Thy tread can not be heard by the dis­ cord of my soul. Therefore, betimes I would be alone with Thee, away from the heat and the battle. I would feel the cool breath of Thy Spirit, that I might be re­ freshed once more for the strife. I would be fanned by the breezes of heaven, that I might resume the dusty road and the dolorous way. Not to avoid them do I come to Thee, but that I may be able more perfectly to bear them. Let me hear Thy voice in the garden in the cool of the day.— G eorge M atheson . . NOVEMBER 14 “Ye are not o f the world, but I have chosen you out of the world’’ (John IS : 19). One characteristic, of the church is the unlikeness of her present to her future condition. It is this that marks her out, that isolates her, as a gem in the heart of a rock, as a vein of gold in a mine. Or­ iginally, she belonged to the mass, but she was drawn apart from it, or it fell from off her and left her alone, like a pil­ lar among ruins. Outwardly, she retains much of her former self; but inwardly, she has undergone a change that has as­ similated her to “the world to come.” Thus her affinities and her sympathies are all with that better world. Her dwelling is still here, and in external appearance she is much as she used to be; but the in­ ternal transformation has made her feel that this is not her home, and has filled her with anticipations of the city and the kingdom to come, of which she has been made the heir. Her kindred according to the flesh are here, but she is now allied to Jehovah by the ties of blood, and this draws her soul upward. —H oratius B onar . Martyrs For Christ’s Sake O ver in Belgium, in the little town of Vilvorde, there is a monument to William Tyndale, who was strangled there and burned at the stake because he had translated the Bible into the English of the common people. On the base of that monument are the words, “Lord, open the eyes of the King of England!”—William Tyndale’s last words. He, like many an­ other martyr, saw straight through the awful experiences of his last moments, to the Lord whom he served. So it was with Stephen, the first Chris­ tian martyr, who spoke boldly for Christ and then laid down his life for Him. While the stones were falling upon him, he looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw what his assailants could not possibly see. Perhaps none of us will ever have the privilege of dying like that, but I am sure very many of us do have, and will have plenty of times when we need to show the same spirit and to stand up for the Lord Jesus in school, in the business office, on the athletic field, in the home—yes, any­ where and everywhere. Shall we think about the sneers, and the laughter that we may meet, or shall we be looking far be­ yond anything of that sort, to Him whom we serve? I like to think that none of us would hesitate a moment to stand up for the Lord Jesus, no matter how hard that might be. Well, let us be sure to do it during this next week, when perhaps some very real tests will come to us. May God help us all to be faithful! —P hilip E. H oward .

the knowledge of men’s eyes, flings itself wide open to the eye of God. —T houghts foe the Q uiet H our . So yearningly we seek Thy face When darkness is our dwelling-place; Our foolish hearts, that daily roam, Would nightly come to Thee at home. Be with us here, and grant that we Hereafter, Lord, may be with Thee! —S elected . NOVEMBER 11 “As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted” (Isa. 66:13). Christ, as your Friend, sympathizes with you at all times, and in all the moral con­ ditions of your nature. Do not think that He sympathizes with you and loves you when in your best moods only; for if you should, you would wrong Him bitterly. A bird is no more surely noted by the Fa­ ther of all when, glancing upward through the morning light, he pours his liquid notes upon the fragrant air, than when, stricken by cruelty or evil chance, he lies fluttering, a bunch of ruffled and bloody plumage, upon the dewy lawn. And so it is with us. Our souls are not known and noted of God the most, when, light and tuneful, they are lifted in ecstasy up­ ward; but equally watched and as tender­ ly loved are we, when, stricken in hope and soiled in spirit, we lie groaning and stunned, our purposes broken, our vir­ tue stained, our future dark and forbid­ ding.— A ndrew ^ urray . NOVEMBER 12 “The Lord preserveth the faithful” (Psa. 31:23). When we land on the bleak shore of disappointment, we shall have the won­ derful discovery that the Saviour has an­ ticipated our coming and has made ample provision. There will be heavenly cor­ dials, and there will be comforts of grace, and there will be the exhilarating wine of a new hope.-—J. H. J pwett . Some one has quaintly said, “God tries our faith that we may try His faithful­ ness.” The apostle Paul learned to glory in “weaknesses . . . in necessities . . . in distresses,” that he might in these very things prove the unfailing sufficiency of God. “I’ll trust the Living God, No matter how things seem, And sing His praise in darkest days, For ’tis all light with Him.” —E. R. W. NOVEMBER 13 "And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day’’ (Gen. 3:8). It is only in the cool of the day that I can hear Thy footsteps, O my God. Thou art ever walking in the garden. Thy pres­ ence is abroad everywhere and always; but it is not everywhere nor always that I I can hear Thee passing by. The burden and heat of the day are too strong for me. The struggles of life excite me,The ambi­ tions of life perturb me, the glitter of life dazzles me; it is all thunder and earthquake and fire. But when I myself and still, I catch Thy still small voice, and then I know that Thou art God. Thy peace can only speak to my peacefulness, Thy rest can

to believe. He gives us joy; He gives us liberty; He gives us victory; He gives us a sense of self-conquest and of union with Himself in an eternal friendship. On the basis of that single experience of Christ as a reality, because a necessity, there rises an experience of blessedness in communion with God, which prayer ex­ presses like a revelation. Such devotion is a jubilant psalm.— A ustin P helps . NOVEMBER 10 “Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures’ (Lk. 24:32) ? Prayer, to onewho lives daily in the service of God, oftentimes takes the form of sim­ ple communion, the spreading out of our life to One who is worthy, whom we love and trust, not for the sake of any special advice or help, but for the heart-rest which there is in the thing itself. For none love confidences so much as they who rarely have them. None love to speak so much, when the mood of speaking comes, as they who are naturally taci­ turn. None love to lean and recline en­ tirely upon another so much as strong natures that ordinarily do not lean at a ll; and so the' heart that goes shaded and shut, that hides its thoughts and dreads “The Fundamental Minister” One d o llar p e r y ear, sam ple copy te n cen ts. T his m agazine is th e official o rg an of The F u n d am en tal M inisterial A ss’n.” w ith h e ad ­ q u a rte rs a t 164 M aple Ave., W eb ste r G roves, Mo. ’T h is is a n in te rn a tio n a l in terd en o m in a­ tio n al a sso c iatio n of m in isters. F o r in fo rm a­ tio n in re g a rd to joining a n d receiving cred en ­ tials w ith th is a sso c iatio n w rite h e ad q u a rters. BUSKVANandSTORAGECO. BETTER MOVING SERVICE T ran sc o n tin e n tal P ool C ar Shipping P h o n e A L bany 0159 5906 P a sad e n a A ve., L os A ngeles, C alif. We Can Supply any Book In any Language NEW OR SECOND HAND Write for Bulletin of Bargains THE JUDSON PRESS 1107 McGee St., E -9 K an sas C ity, Mo.

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