TZL 1392



Making mistakes is an essential part of running a successful firm, so stop waiting around and start taking action. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

Y ou’ve probably heard the quote, “Successful people fail 10 times more than unsuccessful people.” The reason this is true is because successful people are willing to try new things until they find something that works. They are determined to find a solution and aren’t afraid to explore different or unconventional ideas in the process.

Lindsay Young

might be something big, but you’ve got to break that down into small, actionable steps. It might be implementing a new accounting software, investing in training your employees, or putting together a marketing plan and implementing it. Those are all big projects that can feel overwhelming, but breaking it down helps you visualize each step. Regardless of what the idea “As a business owner and leader, you can’t be afraid to try new things and figure out what works in your firm. The companies moving forward are making mistakes.”

There is a huge opportunity in today’s marketplace to make changes and propel your firm forward. Many businesses are putting things on pause and “waiting.” Waiting is not advisable. You are consciously choosing to not do anything – and that in and of itself is a decision. As a business owner and leader, you can’t be afraid to try new things and figure out what works in your firm. The companies moving forward are making mistakes – nothing that is losing them a great deal of money or hurting their staff, but rather helping them to progress. They are taking small steps every day to improve production, enhance customer experience, or engage their employees. Has there been something you’ve been wanting to try in your business, but you aren’t sure where to start? Just jump in and start today. It

See LINDSAY YOUNG, page 12


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